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Resolved Communication Error

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Shawshark, Jul 30, 2013.

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  1. Shawshark

    Shawshark Active Member Resource Contributor

    Half the time it won't say it but every now and again it will just say "Communitcation Error" but still lets me join into my server, I have read other posts that are dealing with the same error, I have seen people saying setting the connection throttle to 0 fixes it, But it doesn't change a thing, Is there any other ideas that will fix this ?

  2. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Set throttle to 0 in your proxy.conf or allinone.conf
  3. Shawshark

    Shawshark Active Member Resource Contributor

    I have already done this and it continues to do it
  4. CMonster95

    CMonster95 New Member

    I will second this. Nothing I've tried, from changing the Lilypad configuration, to changing the Bukkit config, to changing router/firewall rules/throttling.

    The tag of "Invalid" that is on this thread should be removed until this problem is solved.
  5. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    Are you connecting with Localhost? Or with the External IP?
  6. CMonster95

    CMonster95 New Member

    I can't speak for Shawshark, but my setup is not on my personal computer, therefore I can't connect with localhost (it's running on dedicated machines within the LAN). However, this is not a DNS or port-forwarding problem, as I can connect to it using the external domain name, the external IP, and the internal IP. All scenarios give a "Communication Error" message. Now, on rare occasions it does show the MOTD (approx 1/35 of the time, yes I counted). So, I believe that the timeout counter within Lilypad (if there is such a thing) is, well, timing out. Also, there is no problem connecting to the server; in other words, everything besides the MOTD is working perfectly.

    EDIT: If it helps, here is my setup:
    [hostname], [Lilypad package(s) installed], [operating system/ver]
    [craft95-head], [Server-Standalone-Allinone], [FreeBSD/9.1]
    [craft95-hub], [Bukkit-Connect, Bukkit-Portal], [FreeBSD/9.1]
    [craft95-quest], [Bukkit-Connect, Bukkit-Portal], [FreeBSD/9.1]
    [craft95-has], [Bukkit-Connect, Bukkit-Portal], [FreeBSD/9.1]

    Also connected to the LAN is our development server, but it should have nothing to do with Lilypad, as it doesn't connect with any of the servers other than via a direct router link.
    [craft95-dev], [none], [FreeBSD/9.1]
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2013
  7. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    And are the dedicated machines supporting all the ports? (25565, 25566, 5091)
  8. CMonster95

    CMonster95 New Member

    There are no port restrictions between any of the ports. In other words, there is no rule that restricts the opening of any of the ports.

    What is the purpose of port 25566?
  9. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    Maybe you can contact your host.
  10. CMonster95

    CMonster95 New Member

    Will you rephrase that? If by "host" you mean the hosting provider of my dedicated servers, I am hosting them myself. I built five computers from scratch, installed FreeBSD on them, set up all networking and Java requirements, and latched them all together with Lilypad. I do not believe is a configuration error on my part. I believe it is a coding error; I will dive into the source and see what I can find, when I have time. Unfortunately, time is something I have very little of, which was why I was hoping you guys would have an answer.
  11. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    If your dedicated server is causing the problem, we can't do much. I think thats why Coelho marked it as Invalid
  12. CMonster95

    CMonster95 New Member

    Because multiple people are having this problem, I do not believe that has anything to do with the way the server is configured. Coelho marked this as invalid because he thought that he had solved the problem earlier, and was repeating himself. He didn't realize that this was a completely separate problem.
  13. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    I will ask @Coelho if you want to check this thread again. Not now, cause he is sleeping now.

    The invalid prefix is gone now.
  14. CMonster95

    CMonster95 New Member

    Thank you. And it's very possible that there's something I've missed, or that it's a really simple fix. But I haven't seen it.
  15. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    We will see what @Coelho will say.
  16. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    I'm curious to see if you've tried the latest builds. They may increase your performance. On top of this, what is the output of java -version.
  17. Shawshark

    Shawshark Active Member Resource Contributor

    I'm using build 56 and haven't seen Communitcation Error show up in the last 2 days seems to be solved!
  18. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    Marked as solved and locked

    Please open a new topic for further questions
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