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Configuring Portal Exit

Discussion in 'Support' started by Medina, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. Medina

    Medina New Member

    I have created portals however they are not "pretty portals" in terms of where they leave me upon exit.

    I have used Multiverse portals in the past where you can specify where you are left upon exiting the portal.

    I noticed another server (lockedcraft network to be more specific) has it so that when you enter a portal, you are returned to where you were in that world before logging out as it is now, however, when you return to the hub portal, it places you in the hub spawn area rather than right at the portal.

    I have a "water portal" When I enter the portal, I get placed in factions, but when I return, I get placed into the water of the portal.

    Do they use a different plugin? It also seems like their water is held by the bounds of the portal, simlilar to multiverse portals, on the other hand, if I do not put a barrier, the water flows out of my portal.

    Any tips on setting up the portals so that they are more appealing? Is this supported by this plugin or are they using something else? (I checked their plugin list and I do not see any other portal plugin)
  2. Medina

    Medina New Member

    Actually I noticed their portal does the same thing, however, the only difference is that when they return to the hub server. it always places them at the spawn and that the water does not flow out of the portal.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2013
  3. Shawshark

    Shawshark Active Member Resource Contributor

  4. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    You can also set in the config.yml of LilyPad-Portal the spawnAtPortalEndpoint config.
  5. Medina

    Medina New Member

    What exactly does enabling that allow me to do Coelho? What I noticed is it places me above the portal when I enter. Not sure if I did it correctly. I changed the value to "true" on both servers but that's all I've done.

    Thanks for the reply
  6. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    It places you at the portal endpoint, which you choose when you are initially creating the portal. Type /portal create dummy to better understand this.

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