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Lilypad server connection

Discussion in 'Support' started by Psylo, Oct 18, 2013.

  1. Psylo

    Psylo New Member

    I am going to try to provide as much detail as I can here.

    This is the current setup I have.

    1. Lilypad standalone build 82 on a vps.
    2. lilypad connect 37 and lilypad portal version 19 on a hub server and a factions server
    3. Hub server and factions server are on different nodes with different IP's

    Both servers show no errors on startup. Both servers finish startup with "connected to cloud.
    Both servers are listed in the allinone.conf and setup in the lilypad connect config

    I can connect to the server I've designated as hub perfectly, by entering the ip of the vps where the "cloud" server or "standalone" jar is located.

    This is where the problem comes in. I've set up lilypad portal, and created a portal that leads to the factions server. However when walking through the portal, nothing happens. No message, no failure notice, and no transfer to the factions server.

    I thought perhaps I had failed to properly create the portal so I removed the permission node from myself. After walking through the portal with the permission removed, I received the message that I did not have lilypad.portal.use. This verifies the portal is there and functioning. It is simply not transferring to the second server.

    I thought perhaps, that lilypad portal was the culprit itself, so I installed lilypad portal command and configured it. I can type /server and see both servers listed. When I do /server factions, I receive no error, no message, nothing. It simply fails.

    Please let me know what other information I can give that might point to the culprit
  2. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Is the Factions server running LilyPad-Portal, too?

    It's kind of a handshake thing. If one side doesn't have a hand, the handshake can't complete.
  3. Psylo

    Psylo New Member


    Yes. Both servers are running the same versions of lilypad portal
  4. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Make sure LilyPad can connect to Factions. You can do this by typing on LilyPad's dedicated server:
    Code (text):

    telnet <factions ip> <factions port>
    If it connects, you're good. If it disconnects immediately, there's something wrong. Type 'a' then enter to quit.
  5. Psylo

    Psylo New Member

  6. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    What do you have the "outbound" IP defined as?
  7. Psylo

    Psylo New Member

  8. Psylo

    Psylo New Member

    I have since changed each and every IP to the vps where the server standalone jar is running. Same results. Both servers start up error free. Both servers end startup with "connected to the cloud" Can login to the hub server with the ip of the vps. Can create a portal called "kingdom" which matches the config on that server. However, walking through the portal yields no message, and no results.
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  9. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Are you running the latest CraftBukkit/Spigot build?
  10. Psylo

    Psylo New Member

  11. Psylo

    Psylo New Member

    We've called it quits. I performed the exact same setup on new servers, new vps, etc. Works perfectly. A complete reinstall on the original servers.. yields notta. I'm going to assume its an issue with a plugin interfering. I appreciate the assistance thus far though. Thank you

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