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Switching Server Event?

Discussion in 'Support' started by CrystalxNeth, Nov 10, 2013.

  1. CrystalxNeth

    CrystalxNeth New Member

    I have made a plugin which broadcasts messages via a dragon bar. It used to send the players the packets when they join a server, and destroy them upon leaving. That was working perfectly except for the fact that when a player switched servers in the network and then rejoined the hub they would no longer have the dragon bar. Now I have switched it so it destroys then creates a new dragon with a different name every .5 seconds, but that has proven to be extremely buggy. Obviously the join and leave methods don't work when switching servers in the network. I have absolutely no experience coding with lilypad, but is there an event in the API which is for switching servers in the network? Thanks.
  2. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    I am confused on how this would relate to LilyPad in anyway? And there is, go check over on the JavaDocs http://jd.lilypadmc.org .
  3. CrystalxNeth

    CrystalxNeth New Member

    It relates to LilyPad because when switching servers the packets from my plugin are not sent to the players, meaning the Join and Quit events do not work with server switching, so I need a server switching event. Thanks for the link though
  4. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    This seems like a bug in LilyPad as it is not removing the dragon bar automatically.

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