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Resolved Graphical glitch of Arrows and Fishing lines

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by squidicuz, Jun 10, 2013.

  1. squidicuz

    squidicuz New Member

    Having this issue when using lilypad; when you shoot an arrow, client side it doesn't fire and bounces back. Server side the arrow still fires.
    When in creative mode, the arrows function correctly. They also work fine when moving backwards or strafing. Standing still or moving forward while firing an arrow, will result in the glitch.
    And.. fishing lines do not show up at all when casting them.

    Did I do something wrong in my setup?
    It is a standalone proxy, with 4 servers connected to it using bukkit-connect. This does not happen when the lilypad system is disabled. All minecraft servers are located on the same machine.
  2. bobacadodl

    bobacadodl Member

    This is most likely not an issue with lilypad but rather the build of bukkit that you are using
  3. squidicuz

    squidicuz New Member

    Right, so the issue has nothing to do with lilypad.. yet the issue is non-existent when lilypad is disabled.
    I've tried builds of bukkit from betas [2754, 2771], to current dev [2785]. All with the same result; works without lilypad, doesn't work with lilypad.

    What build of bukkit should I use?
  4. squidicuz

    squidicuz New Member

    Just confirmed this on other servers running lilypad. All experiencing the same issue...

    A fix/response for this issue, would be greatly appreciated.
  5. sgtcaze

    sgtcaze Member Resource Contributor

    I can contend that squidicuz is in fact correct with his analysis. I thought that it was simply a client side bug, and isolated to just myself. Having read this post affirms that the issue appears to be the cause of something in LilyPad. There is no stack trace available, and I've conducted tests myself and cannot seem to find the source.

  6. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Does this happen when you have not yet redirected, or only after the first redirect?

    EDIT: Seems to work fine here on my test server.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Thank you for reporting this! Confirmed and fixed bug with the latest server builds.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. squidicuz

    squidicuz New Member

    Awesome! Thank you so much.
  9. squidicuz

    squidicuz New Member

    Confirmed fixed. ^_^

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