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Public Connection Help!

Discussion in 'Support' started by geegeeman77, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. geegeeman77

    geegeeman77 New Member

    I've seen the tutorials for connecting to my server, but that's only local connection. What should I do to make the server public so my friends can go on?
  2. boboman13

    boboman13 Member Contributor

    There are a few things that you would need to do.
    1) Port forward - the port you want to connect to must be port forwarded or else it will block all connections.
    2) IP Setup - if you don't have a static IP, you'd have to find out a way to use a dynamic IP - you must also figure out your external IPv4 address.

    I probably forgot at least one step, but in order to do this all Lilypad must be binding to some sort of IP. Lilypad must also be fully working and your servers working too :) I hope this helped
  3. geegeeman77

    geegeeman77 New Member

    Thanks, but should I use Port Map (I have a Mac) or something else?
  4. boboman13

    boboman13 Member Contributor

    I don't remember how to port forward with Macs, I did it once but now I use a dedicated server, so you should try searching online, its different depending on your... either router or modem, I forget.
  5. geegeeman77

    geegeeman77 New Member

    Oh okay. I will try that!
  6. boboman13

    boboman13 Member Contributor

    Great, feel free to reply if you have any questions, but I won't be on for another 2 hours :)
  7. geegeeman77

    geegeeman77 New Member

    All right! Thank you! I will get back to you if it works... :)
  8. Roodoff

    Roodoff Member

    Follow these steps:
    1- goto and sign in with the login details from your router
    2- then goto the port-forwarding section
    3- select udp&tcp for both ports do 25565 and then add your computer's ip which can be found by going run>cmd> type "ip config">scroll down till u see the ipv4.
    4-apply these settings
    5- change the ip(ipv4) and port(25565) in the server properties.
    6-go to https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=m...j60j0j65j60l2.1334j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 and copy and paste the ip to your server list (you may need to add ":25565" on the end of it).
    7- then give your friends the exact address you used to join.

    hope i helped
  9. geegeeman77

    geegeeman77 New Member

    Is a web address? If so, I can't connect to it...
  10. Roodoff

    Roodoff Member

    type in your default gateway into the web address
  11. geegeeman77

    geegeeman77 New Member

    Sorry, but when I type gateways into the web address, it either thinks it is a "www." website, or it doesn't load! Is there another solution? Maybe get a custom domain?
  12. Roodoff

    Roodoff Member

    hey what are you typing in the address? maybe search on youtube "how to portforward minecraft"
  13. geegeeman77

    geegeeman77 New Member

    How did you guys do it? Maybe I can do something similar to yours... :confused:
  14. boboman13

    boboman13 Member Contributor

    I originally did it with a Mac Airport Extreme, but I no longer remember how to do that - I now rent out a dedicated server and work with it from there.

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