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Setting up a screen when LilyPad software is running.

Discussion in 'Support' started by Thomasb, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. Thomasb

    Thomasb New Member

    I can't set a screen up as no SSH console commands work?
  2. boboman13

    boboman13 Member Contributor

    You need to set the screen before you start LilyPad.
    Code (text):
    screen -S LILYPAD
    ./run.sh (or java -jar, etc)
    ... LilyPad runs
  3. Thomasb

    Thomasb New Member

    Okay, should of thought of that myself. I was tired :/

    But thanks anyway!
  4. Thomasb

    Thomasb New Member

    Got this to work, but when I try to log into a server it says Auth to Lily Pad failed?
  5. boboman13

    boboman13 Member Contributor

    You must connect to the proxy server, not your Minecraft server. This is very important.
  6. Thomasb

    Thomasb New Member

    Mhmm, how do I do this?
  7. boboman13

    boboman13 Member Contributor

    Connect (in your minecraft) to the IP and port you gave to the LilyPad installation, as if it was a Minecraft server.
  8. Thomasb

    Thomasb New Member

    I used local host in Bukkit-Connect config?

    *am running this on a server*
  9. boboman13

    boboman13 Member Contributor

    Don't use localhost, use the IP and port that you are allowed to use.
  10. Thomasb

    Thomasb New Member

    In which config?
  11. boboman13

    boboman13 Member Contributor


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