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Invalid Disconnected By Server

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by iiHeroo, Jul 27, 2013.

  1. iiHeroo

    iiHeroo New Member

    When I join my server it says:

    Disconnected By Server
    Error: Authentication to LilyPad failed.
  2. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Do not connect directly to your Minecraft server. Connect to LilyPad.
  3. iiHeroo

    iiHeroo New Member

    How do you get the IP LilyPad give's you ?
  4. iiHeroo

    iiHeroo New Member

    And can you take out the Bukkit Allinone and replace it with craftbukkit when you finish or no ?
  5. boboman13

    boboman13 Member Contributor

    iiHeroo LilyPad doesn't give you an IP, you give LilyPad an IP. You have to configure that in your allinone.conf (or like .conf file)
    It isn't the Bukkit AllInOne, it is a LilyPad AllInOne. They are very different things. You must keep it running as a LilyPad server, and you cannot switch back to Bukkit afterwards.

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