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Routing/Pre-routing incoming players

Discussion in 'Development' started by MajorMcDirt, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. MajorMcDirt

    MajorMcDirt New Member

    I am currently nearing completion on a project that is set to launch using Bungee, however I find the ability to expand to multiple proxy instances compelling enough to dive deeper into lilyPad.

    The project I am working on will involve a variety of different servers with a mix of arena type games and build servers. With the exception of NoCheats+ all the plugins are completely custom and done in-house. Currently when a player connects/disconnects from any server it is logged in the sql database and queried on reconnect to determine if the player can rejoin the server they were last on or should be directed back to a central hub/lobby or perhaps event their home on a build server. This prevents a player from rejoining lets say a hunger games arena that is already in progress.

    This is now performed with a custom reconnect handler in Bungee. However where I need clarification with lilyPad is how to replicate this process. At first glance it looks like I would have to make a hub server that all players would connect to on the initial connection and then forward them on from there. Essentially double bouncing them the moment they login.

    Is this the only/proper way to pre-route incoming connections or am I missing something?
  2. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    When developing for things it's good to think of a cloud based schema.

    When a player is to be redirected, your hub asks the recipient (game) server to redirect them. From there, the game server finds if it is suitable and redirects, or it tells the hub server that the redirect was impossible for whatever reason. Please look into MessageRequests and RedirectRequests on how to do this.

    Note that LilyPad is defined as a cloud for it's ability to interconnect the multiple minecraft servers associated with it. For this, it's crucial that the servers are able to communicate with each other through the network, and through messages and other LilyPad API calls this is made possible.

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