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Connecting a lilypad server to another lilypad server

Discussion in 'Support' started by michaelh3x3n@gmail.cxom, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. So currently I just partnered with a server. I only have one server, but he has a hub of 6 so he uses lilypad. He put a portal in his server connecting to mine using lilypad and now I had to get lilypad. But at the same time I had to direct my domain'a IP to his as when I don't I get the no authentication error. Is there a way to make it so my doamin directs directly to my servers IP instead of going through his proxies IP?
  2. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    In his allinone.conf or proxy.conf he has a listing of "servers -> domains". He can forward your domain to your server using that.

  3. I know as that is what he is doing right now, but is there a way to make it where I don't send my domain to his IP and just have it connect directly to me?
  4. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    No there is not, unless you are doing a distributed setup.

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