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Multiple Servers (New Guy)

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by ediTv2, May 19, 2013.

  1. ediTv2

    ediTv2 New Member

    This is somewhat similar to Nico's thread I found. But he didn't ask the same questions I had.

    I'm completely new to this. I've found LilyPad in hopes of efficiency and consistency as it's stated.

    What my starting question is... Is it possible for me to link multiple company hosted servers 16Gb each together? What I mean by company hosted is for example ones you could buy from BeastNode or a similar host. (Not advertising :) )

    I confuse myself daily with this question so I finally decided to post. But I've seen other posts requiring me to have an actual dedicated server for everything to run through? Or am I mistaken...

    -Appreciate any advice given. :) Excuse my questions just trying to learn. :p
  2. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    It is completely possible but you will need to have a Dedicated Server or VPS to host LilyPad itself off of.
  3. ediTv2

    ediTv2 New Member

    So I'd need a machine I could have root access too? Also... Another noobish question... How does the proxy situation work? I've seen companies display ddos protection via proxy/traffic mitigation (AssetProxy). Is that somewhat similar? Or is that a completely different situation?
  4. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Yes, you will need a machine you have root (or partial java access) to, and no it is not anything similar to ddos protected proxies.

    Please watch the video in the AllInOne documentation guide for more information on how the software operates.
  5. ediTv2

    ediTv2 New Member

    Hmm. That actually did make quite a bit of sense. Thank you :) A thing I realized though. When you are teleported is it possible to set a spawn? Instead of spawning inside the portal? It's obviously possible to set spawn.. But Is there something that needs to be disabled for it to use the set spawn instead of how its set on lily?
  6. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Set spawnAtPortalEndpoint in the LilyPad-Portal config.yml to true :)
  7. ediTv2

    ediTv2 New Member

    So.. Another question. :( I'm pretty sure this is right... But lets say all my servers have dedicated IPs. Would I still need to use the default port? And a question on proxy. Because I'm not 100% on how it works... Basically do I go buy a ddos protected server/or VPS and run it through that? Along with a separate server/vps to run lily? Or is it more simple than how I perceive it?
  8. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer


    I'm sorry, but I can't help you if you don't read...

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