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Invalid Connection timed out while keying

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Soledge, May 22, 2013.

  1. Soledge

    Soledge New Member

    connection timed out while keying spams my console. im using the following:

    Standalone-AllInOne #24

    Bukkit-Connect #7

    i followed your video tutorial to the T. when i get to the segment where both the hub and pvp servers are started, and connected to lilypad, i get spammed with this in the console and i cannot connect.

    Code (text):
    [INFO] [Connect] Connection timed out while keying, retrying
  2. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Are you using Spigot? Can you try Bukkit-Connect build #6?
  3. Soledge

    Soledge New Member

    Yes i am. I wanted to use lilypad vs alternative softwares because its more lightweight, more simplistic, and (imo) better programmed. Ill give version #6 a shot when i get home tonight. thanks for the prompt response!
  4. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Spigot has made some compatibility issues with LilyPad in their latest updates, so you might want to try build #4 or #5 of Bukkit-Connect to get it working. You can also try and update your Spigot build to the latest version, which I believe may remedy the issue.
  5. Soledge

    Soledge New Member

    Per your recommendation, i completed the tutorial successfully by making a lilypad allinone server on my laptop with the two worlds, pvp and hub.

    Now i took that as reference and I implemented my working setup in my live server environment and reconfigured everything to satisfy the equivalent requirements from that setup. I run my server and i get

    Code (text):
    Error: Protocol Mismatch (0x04)
    Looking over the forums i read this post: http://www.lilypadmc.org/threads/help-internal-mismatch-0x01.31/

    I have a wildcard set in my allinoneconf file (just as you did in the demonstration) So i don't think that's the issue here.
  6. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Does your Bukkit-Connect plugin exhibit any errors, and is the spigot server running on a different port?
  7. Soledge

    Soledge New Member

    I have no visible errors in my terminal, no stack trace in my log. I get connect to cloud messages, but on attempt I get the message I sent you earlier in the code snipit.

    the ports are set exactly as they are in the tutorial for hub and pvp. I'm not sure where there could be a protocol mismatch anywhere.
  8. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Can you send me a console log for the hub or pvp servers? Thanks.
  9. Soledge

    Soledge New Member

    Fixed, i had to verify that all of my ports where different on each box (my bukkit-connect.yml for EACH) Example: im running my survival on 25564 and another server on 25563.
    Reason being, ypu cant use port 25565 9which would normally be default) because lilypad is listening on that host.

    Ensure that you play around a bit with the builds of bukkit-connect to see which one works for you.

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