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Denied Tab modification plugin which shows current server's players and overall player count

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by cuddylier, May 23, 2013.

  1. cuddylier

    cuddylier New Member

    I'd love a plugin which supports lilyPad to show the current players online on the server and the total online across all servers connected to lilyPad.
  2. Shawshark

    Shawshark Active Member Resource Contributor

    Iv been looking for this to.
  3. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    There are already plenty of Bukkit plugins available to do this, like TabAPI and TabConfig.
  4. cuddylier

    cuddylier New Member

    You are correct that plugins exist to be the basis, but someone needs to make an addon for these plugins..They are not compatible with lilyPad by default.

    Edit: Just looked at TabConfig and it seems to be what I'm looking for, thanks.

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