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Authentication to Lilypad Failed

Discussion in 'Support' started by duper51, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. duper51

    duper51 New Member

    So today I just upgraded my whole network to Build #1108 Spigot, while at the same time upgrading the Lilypad AiO server to Build #78 and my Bukkit Connect plugin to Build #36. My whole network is now completely updated on my Dedicated Server hosted by Datashack.net. I have no DDOS protection as of yet, and my server was properly set-up before I performed the update. Now I am experiencing two problems.

    PROBLEM 1:
    My server displays the following message to users whenever I try to connect: http://gyazo.com/278d5dd4c3c0cc193c1c568f0a192439.
    The message is reflected in the console as:
    23:16:34 [INFO] Disconnecting duper51 [/]: Error: Authentication to LilyPad failed
    Note that I am connecting through the proxy, not the actual Minecraft server port.
    On the AiO server, no errors show.

    PROBLEM 2:
    My server has no DDOS protection as I've stated before. My server displays Communication Error, about 1/25th of the time the server is pinged from the server list. The users were able to connect even if the server displayed this error. I've seen other threads report this, but you seem to have written them off, so I figured I'd ask again.

    I've attached all of my config files below. I hope they will be useful.

    P.S. I can't upload my Bukkit-Connect config.yml to the server so it's pasted below:
    port: 5091
    username: game1
    password: bobafett11

    Attached Files:

  2. boboman13

    boboman13 Member Contributor

    Could you attach your server.log? The proxy might not be connecting correctly.
  3. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

  4. duper51

    duper51 New Member

    I've downgraded, but it still hasn't appeared to work. I've tried a few versions back and it hasn't worked properly.
  5. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Did you try build 1107?
  6. duper51

    duper51 New Member

    I did, I just switched to a dev build of CraftBukkit and that seemed to work. But that still leaves the communication error.
  7. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    What country do you live in, and what country is the server located at?
  8. duper51

    duper51 New Member

    I live in the US. My server is hosted in the same state. My packet loss to the server is less than 0.05% and ping is approx. 70.
  9. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    I need to know which state it is in.
  10. duper51

    duper51 New Member

    Server is hosted in Kansas

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