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Solved Connection Timed Out!!!

Discussion in 'Support' started by McLakersMc, Nov 10, 2013.

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  1. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    That is very very helpful man, if you red the READ BEFORE YOU POST TAB, we probably could have figured this out a little sooner, http://www.lilypadmc.org/threads/read-me-what-you-need-to-know-before-posting.353/ . Try upgrading your StandAlone to Build#97, your bukkit connect to Build #45, and your portal and portal command are all good. You can find the downloads over http://ci.lilypadmc.org and the spigot latest download you should be running is build #16 which you can download over http://ci.md-5.net/job/Spigot-1.7/ . You are running very outdated software.
  2. McLakersMc

    McLakersMc New Member

    thanks! i just got them let me try it!
  3. McLakersMc

    McLakersMc New Member

    hey thanks zip and matt! it finally worked
    [Connect] Connected to the cloud
    and it's 1.7 now i can connect thx so much its people like you that make my day!
  4. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Awesome! Sounds great! Go ahead and mark this as solved. Also, those lakers are not doing so well this year buddy, right after you sold Dwight, he's been of the charts. Sorry, I had to say something, I strongly don't like the Lakers, big fan of OKC over here. When I was younger my family and I moved allot, and we lived in Oklahoma, and LA. My sister became a big fan of the Lakers, and me the Thunder. It's a big family rivalry so I hate the Lakers basically :p
  5. McLakersMc

    McLakersMc New Member

    Lol it's alright Kobe is still out so they're not as good right now, but anyway THX SO MUCH I knew i made the right decision going to lilypad then bungeecord! #LilyPad
  6. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Ya, Bungee is allot more resource non friendly, and it has allot of issues. And Kobe is old man, still not looking so good.
  7. McLakersMc

    McLakersMc New Member

    hehe well thx so much for your help my players didnt want to be on 1.6.4 even though 1.7 is only client connection
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