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Planned Easter Eggs

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by NotCreepyStalkerCutie, Nov 21, 2013.

  1. If you don't know what an easter egg(computer version) is, you are not qualified to call yourself a programmer etc.
    Anyway I think they would be really fun to add! You could make them an inside joke which would be cool because no one would get it but us(ahh the madness when the egg becomes public). Then as soon as it is public you delete it and recode it somewhere else maybe using another method to get to it. Each one would be all new and completely different. They could be jokes, minigames, links, the credits, etc.
    Maybe this is already being done as it is of course hidden. :)
  2. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Um... This is an interesting idea, but I don't think it would be good for these forums. In my opinion it would only be good for forums that have a base of kids younger that 12.
  3. I meant on one of the plugins etc
  4. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Fun :) We'll see.
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  5. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

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