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Change LilyPad fail to authenticate message?

Discussion in 'Support' started by TheShadbusher, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. TheShadbusher

    TheShadbusher New Member

    My server is linking with some of my friend's servers (plus a lobby that's a work-in-progress), and LilyPad is working great for that so far. However, when someone tries to connect to a server other than the proxy, they get kicked with a message stating that they failed to authenticate with the LilyPad proxy.

    This is normal and makes sense, but I'd like to know if there is a way I could change that message so users will be told the IP they need to connect to.

    Currently the proxy is on Ubuntu 12.04.3, but I can edit the files in that or in Windows if needed.

    EDIT: Also, just a general question: when players connect to the proxy and then to one of the servers, does their connection continue to flow through the proxy, or is communication exclusively between the player's client and the server it's connected to at that point?
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2013
  2. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Currently, I do not believe there is a current super easy fix to this. But, it might be a really cool feature to have hard coded in, or at least something in the API. It wouldn't hurt to put this under suggestions.

    But, the easiest solution for you would just go change the whats in it, do your person message of the IP you want your users to connect with. Are you running JLilypad or LilypadGO? I believe if you are using Go it would be an easy fix for you to just fix it yourself, and if you are using JLilyPad it shouldn't be that hard for you personally to edit it by looking through a video or a tutorial on youtube. But, if you don't get it, I would be happy to do it for you towards the end of the week when I would get the chance to.
  3. TheShadbusher

    TheShadbusher New Member

    I'm currently testing with JLilyPad, before I get a host for the proxy and lobby servers, but I'll switch to LilyPadGO if possible. What would I need to install so that I can run LilyPadGO?
  4. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

  5. TheShadbusher

    TheShadbusher New Member

    I got LilyPadGO working, but how would I edit the message? Would I need to download the source, edit it, and then compile it?

    How much RAM should I expect LilyPadGO (both connect and proxy) to take up per-player? I'm trying to decide if I should ask my buddy if he can host the proxy stuff or if I should get a VPS.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
  6. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    You don't need much RAM for GoLilyPad. Like 200/500 MB. And which message do you want to change?

    And a taking a Dedicated or VPS host is recommended.
    1: Your computer won't lag/crash.
    2: People won't get lags.
    3: Other people who are connected with your internet, won't get internet lags.
    4. Your router won't explode of all the connecting requests. :p
  7. TheShadbusher

    TheShadbusher New Member

    Well I'm definitely not hosting the proxy from home, and if my friend did it, it would be using his own dedicated host. If he doesn't have much of a problem with a 512 MB tops LilyPad proxy, I think that's the route we'll take, and get a 1 GB server for the lobby.

    How many players should I expect to fit on a 512 MB proxy, or maybe even a 256 MB proxy, if we try to host both the proxy and the lobby on a 1 GB VPS?
  8. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    Well, it depends on how many people you will get, 512 can easily handle more then 200 people.
  9. TheShadbusher

    TheShadbusher New Member

    Dang. That's a lot of capability right there.
  10. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    You could try less ram too..
  11. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    And, a 1gb server for a hub also seems a little excessive, being that a hub would only be used for teleporting players to other servers, and a general meeting point.
  12. TheShadbusher

    TheShadbusher New Member

    Thanks for the advice; I'll take it into consideration when looking for a place to host the lobby. :)
  13. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    You can host your lobby and your proxy on the same server. Remember, the only IP that matters is the Proxy, so you can run the lobby on another port.
  14. TheShadbusher

    TheShadbusher New Member

    I have one last important question -- is there a way to allow someone to connect to a server directly and still authenticate with the proxy, e.g. player A could connect to servers A, B, or C, and still authenticate with the proxy?
  15. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

  16. TheShadbusher

    TheShadbusher New Member

    But what about this?
  17. boboman13

    boboman13 Member Contributor

    Currently, or at least in JLP, it was hard coded into it. I can fork the repo and give you a changed message if you'd like. @TheShadbusher
  18. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Bukkit-Connect is not part of JLP or GoLP and the message is currently hard coded.

    I do not like the idea of allowing people to change this message as players should not know their backend servers in the first place, and it is similar to not being able to authorize to Minecraft.net. If you wish to change it however, fork Bukkit-Connect.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    As Coelho said, its not the best thing for your players to no the backend IP in the first place. So, a quick suggestion, it might be best if you changed your IP's the next time you pay the bill, and lower your current servers down to the smallest server size possible, and just set the IP of your server in the MOTD, and the kick message.

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