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Completed Backup server

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by Shawshark, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. Shawshark

    Shawshark Active Member Resource Contributor

    In the lilypad side there should be a part in the config where it checks if 2 servers are offline before disconnecting them something like this,

    "backup-server": {
    "enable": "true"
    "first": "hub",
    "second": "hub2".

    (hub and hub2 are the set usernames for the server set below or in LilyPad-Connect)

    what it would do is check to see if "first" is online and connected to the cloud if not it would try "second" if that's offline disconnect user and do what it usually does when the default server is offline. I know most people would be like "just make sure your servers are always online" but its just for people that need to do other things and know they have a backup server there players can connect to.
  2. Shawshark

    Shawshark Active Member Resource Contributor

  3. About7Deaths

    About7Deaths Member

    Not a bad idea actually.
  4. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Multiple servers for one domain. Yeah, I planned this awhile back actually, just haven't had time to implement it.
  5. Shawshark

    Shawshark Active Member Resource Contributor

    Ok I can wait, It would be amazing when this gets implemented at some point of time then I don't have to check up on the hub every so often :D
  6. Shawshark

    Shawshark Active Member Resource Contributor

    This would be awesome to see in golilypad :)
  7. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Sweet! Glad to see this as being planned!
  8. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Done :) An example is added to the default config.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Thanks @Coelho , this is going to help me out a ton.
  10. Shawshark

    Shawshark Active Member Resource Contributor

    :eek: no way!
    • Like Like x 1
  11. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    @Shawshark , have you always had Resource Contributor under your name?
    Edit: This is new right:p I have it to:)
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Shawshark

    Shawshark Active Member Resource Contributor

    @The_Zip Nope just noticed it before :)
  13. Shawshark

    Shawshark Active Member Resource Contributor

  14. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Fix uploaded.
  15. Shawshark

    Shawshark Active Member Resource Contributor

    Will test it later, can't access your ci on this netbook.
  16. Shawshark

    Shawshark Active Member Resource Contributor

    @Coelho it's not showing errors this time but its not passing the player to the server just saying it's offline when the server isn't offline when using a lower version of go-lilypad-proxy
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2013
  17. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Fixed this issue in the latest build.

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