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Solved Address already in use

Discussion in 'Support' started by fishing4fish85, Dec 23, 2013.

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  1. Shawshark

    Shawshark Active Member Resource Contributor

    Don't connect directly to the server, You need to connect to lilypad itself
  2. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    My fault @fishing4fish85 , don't put your server in Offline mode, make sure your passwords are right, and as @Shawshark said, to join through the LilyPad server.
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  3. yea i got it working but now and only today it did this but players get frozen when they join and cant move at all, it only happends when they join though the hub server, but if i disable the lilypad plugins and reload and join it its fine, any ideas how to fix?
  4. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Which lily pad plugin is it? It would be nice to identify it.
  5. omg ok i fixed the one server but now the hub is messed, the plugins i have on both servers are
    - lilyessentials which says it crashes but still works
    - LilyPad-Connect
    - Lilypad-portal
    - Lilypad-portalcommand
    - lilyrestarter
    thats the lily plugins im using, i was using spigot but i know thats bungeecord supported so i went back to bukkit
  6. ok i forgot to switch the hub to craft bukkit and now it seems to work, does spigot not work? or is it not the problem, cuzz it usally breaks after 5 - 10 min
  7. broken again :/
  8. if you come on the server you can see whats wrong, the hub is fixed now, it just seems to be when you go though portals
    the server ip is factioncrashers.com
  9. like if i get rid of the plugins and restart the server and connect to it its fine, im not sure what the throttle is but i changed it to 1 because i saw it somewhere and i think i might turn off authenticate because i know i can connect to it from the ip, im not 100% sure what either of these mean but ill give it a shot
  10. i log in faster but still frozen on the second server
  11. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Next time, lets try not spam everything, so its allot easier to read, and makes a little more sense. Lets close this tab, thanks a ton @Matt , or marked this as solved, and go chat on the one thats titled your issues. Don't respond to this anymore.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor


    Please open a new thread for further questions :)
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