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Solved Can't Move When Connected Through Portal

Discussion in 'Support' started by fishing4fish85, Dec 26, 2013.

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  1. I cant move or any of my players cant when they go though the portal to connect to my factions server, they can connect but some times they get frozen where they last were and cant move
  2. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Now, talking on this one. Going off what interests me most, is the LilyEssentails, can you explain more about that, posting it over on the discussion page so I can get a fix for everyone, and get it running smoothly. Secondly, edit the page over here so everyone can see all the information about your issue. Next, the plugin hasn't been updated for two months, and this is the first time we are hearing something like this, so check everything. And lastly, explain in a little more detail, include any errors, messages, a picture or two, maybe a video. The more information, the easier it is to fix.
  3. ok i guess i could make a quick vid of everything
  4. heres the vid of what happens when i join the server and the pic of lilyessentials crashing, it says it works though so im confused
    And what does authentication mean?

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 26, 2013
  5. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    What version of the AllInOne are you using and what version of the Connect are you using? And, I am assuming GoLilyPad. Also, skipping 117 lines do to rate, not the best thing in the world. That shouldn't be coming from LilyEssentials, but I would love to see the full error so I can fix it. And with your Portal issue, you have the LilyPad PortalCommand? And, what does the config look like?
  6. ok, so im ussing the newest allinone and connect thing, i got them from here http://ci.lilypadmc.org/ if thats outdated, could you send me the link for the updated ones, im not 100% sure what you mean by golilypad.... im only using the allinone and the plugins i told you, i just restarted my server and it seems that the error for lilyessentials is not there anymore, im assuming it only happends with spigot because my friend who wanted to link got it to,
    and my portalcommand config is:

    quick-commands: true
    - hub
    server-offline: '&f[&7Server&f] This server is currently &4offline&f. Try again
    allowed-servers: '&fYou can connect to the following servers: {servers}'
    server: '&6{name}&f'
  7. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Code (text):
    quick-commands: true
    - hub
    server-offline: '&f[&7Server&f] This server is currently &4offline&f. Try again
    allowed-servers: '&fYou can connect to the following servers: {servers}'
    server: '&6{name}&f'

    Code (text):
    quick-commands: true
    - hub
    - faction
    - otherservers
    server-offline: '&f[&7Server&f] This server is currently &4offline&f. Try again
    allowed-servers: '&fYou can connect to the following servers: {servers}'
    server: '&6{name}&f'
  8. ok it seems to be working now, i have 3 questions, if i dont have the plugin, would the problem go away? and can i have that for only the hub server and still be able to go the commands? and is there any possable way to make a portal that leads to an other hub on a different lilypad cloud server? i was thinking of adding a spot to link friends servers or something like that, and i would rather my cloud just worry about the 15 servers im going to have XD
  9. ok the problem is not fixed i jumped and im stuck in the air.
  10. now when ever i join my factionsguns serve im stuck again, can someone please help me
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