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Solved Get Stuck When Joins A Server

Discussion in 'Support' started by fishing4fish85, Dec 26, 2013.

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  1. My other forum was labeled solved but it was not and i dont think i will get help with it anymore there,
    so if i join my server though a portal from my hub, most of the time i get though no problems but when i move on the server i get stuck like i cant move, but if i disable lilypad and connect though the ip it does not happen, anyone know whats going on? i have videos if needed of what happends
  2. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    - Are you using JLilyPad or GoLilyPad
    - Update everything of LilyPad and update Bukkit and see if the problem is still there
  3. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Fish, once again you are spamming things a little, three times isn't the best. Ask a question once, than wait for us to help you out. Second off, just saying you need help, is no where good enough for us to help you. To be honest with you, there is nothing much we can tell you more unless you give us the information. And probably, its the way you are setting it up, and has nothing to do with anything else. So, unless there are any errors, I would keep looking around a little, and not asking just for help, unless you can give us something to help you with.

    And answering your question, no one knows whats going on, because the information you have given us isn't much, and no one has had anything like this happen to them, and lots of people use this plugin. If you do elaborate your information, giving us build numbers of everything, I have lots of time on my hands, and would be happy to run the exact setup you have on my test server, and give you all the configs and everything.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. ok im sorry for spamming but i just really want my server to be opened and i dont really know whats the problem, i know that i get frozen in 1 spot but sometimes its 2 spots and i just do back and fourth really fast, i dont get any errors, but i did delete the portalcommand on the server it happends on most and i havent had problems since, if it does happen ill make a another vid but ill walk though all my config and see if you can hopefully find my error because i am out of ideas, thanks for all your help so far to
  5. im not 100% sure, im pre sure jlilypad cuzz i belive thats for java, i got it from here http://ci.lilypadmc.org/ and im using the server standalone thing near the bottom
  6. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    Then you're using JLilyPad.

    Make sure you are using the latest version of all the LilyPad things.
    - Server-Standalone
    - Bukkit-Connect
    - Bukkit-Portal
    - Bukkit-PortalCommand
  7. i am using the lastest update, i did find a problem with the plugin essentials with a spawn control so i set it as it will do everything with player spawning, and i have not had a problem since, i might have one again because its ok sometimes but others it does not work at all,
  8. ok it did happen again, and it seems to be worst when i restart the server, do you want me to make a vid showing what i got on my config?
  9. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    You can also post your config here. But I don't think a config can cause this problem.
  10. its weird because if i disable the connect so it doesnt link i can connect though the normal ip and i can play fine
  11. now my hub is doing the same
  12. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Are you sure its not essentials, as mentioned above, that is the problem for this.
  13. do you suggest i disable essentials and see if the problem is solved, but essentials is pre much the core of the server
  14. the essentials plugins i have are
    essentials antibuild
    essentials chat
    essentials group manager
    essentials protect
    essentials spawn

    is one of these the problem?
  15. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    I don't believe I have heard of Essentials Protect, and I run essentials on every single one of my servers. And also, if I am not mistaken, essentials anitbuild is just a useless and annoying if you are having something where you want someone to build.

    I don't believe essentials is the problem, but the way you configed it may be. What I am suggesting is that you maybe learn a little bit more information about how a mine craft server works and the basics of it. Also what build of spigot are you running? I am looking for that and can't find anything.
  16. i took off spigot because it crashed lilyessentials i think, i was using #1202 and i have them because i use bukget for plugins so i get them all, i got rid of the anti build, protection, i think its the spawning, so maybe i will get another spawn plugin like spawntp (i use this for hub because it spawns at the spawn on every join)
  17. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    So it is fixed now? Please don't report back useless information, like you are going to go try something, unless its a bigger thing. Go do it and than come back, and tell us what happened. And spigot would not crash LilyEssentials, both Craft Bukkit and Spigot have the same API, and it wouldn't matter which one you used.
  18. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    0<0 (learned that from Coelho, super good:p )
  19. ok so the problem is not fixed, heres all my config for my factionsguns server
    alert: '&3[&bAlert&3] &6{message}'
    adminchaton: '&aEnabled Admin Chat!'
    adminchatoff: '&aDisabled Admin Chat!'
    admin: '&a({server}) &4[&c{player}&4]&c >> {message}'
    title: '&3&lServers'
    title2: '&5&oTotal Online: &e&o{total}'
    line: ' &6{server}: &a({online})'
    send: '&a({server}) &7[me -> {player}] &f{message}'
    from: '&a({server}) &7[{player} -> me] &f{message}'

    address: s38.hosthorde.com
    port: 5901
    username: factionsguns

    lilypad portal:
    redirectLastServer: false
    spawnAtPortalEndpoint: false
    server-offline: '&f[&7Portal&f] This server is currently &4offline&f. Try again
    server-offline-redirect: '&f[&7Portal&f] Your last server is currently &4offline&f.
    If you join&n&f[&7Portal&f] another server, you will lose your last position.&n&f[&7Portal&f]
    &2You will be redirected when it becomes available.'
    command-no-syntax: '&f[&7Portal&f] &cYou do not have the required syntax &f(&4{syntax}&f)'
    command-no-permission: '&f[&7Portal&f] &cYou do not have the required permission
    command-no-exists: '&f[&7Portal&f] &cThe specified command does not exist &f(&4{command}&f)'
    create-exists: '&f[&7Portal&f] &cThere is already a gate leading to the specified
    server &f(&4{server}&f)'
    create-step-1: '&f[&7Portal&f] Right click on one of the &6corner blocks &fof the
    create-step-2: '&f[&7Portal&f] Right click on the &6opposite corner &fblock of the
    create-step-3: '&f[&7Portal&f] Right click on the &6outward block &fof the gate
    (&6be wary of the direction you face&f)'
    create: '&f[&7Portal&f] You have successfully created a portal going to &6{server}'
    delete-no-exists: '&f[&7Portal&f] &cThere is no gate leading to the specified server
    delete: '&f[&7Portal&f] The gate leading to &6{server} &fhas been deleted'
    gate-no-permission: '&f[&7Portal&f] &cYou do not have the required permission &f(&4{permission}&f)'
    gate-list: '&f[&7Portal&f] &6Gates: &f{gates}'
    gate: '{gate}'

    # Server that the players get sent to when the server shuts down or a command is issued!
    redirectServer: hub

    # If you don't want a message sent leave blank.
    # Leave this blank if you don't have LilyEssentials.
    # This message will be sent to all servers when the plugin enables.
    alertmessage: The FactionsGuns server is now back online!

    # Name of the server that this config is in.
    servername: FactionsGuns

    # If you don't want a message sent leave blank.
    # Leave this blank if you don't have LilyEssentials.
    # This message will be sent to all servers when the plugin disables.
    shutdownalertmessage: The FactionsGuns server has gone offline!

    # Message that broadcasts to the server right before it is shutdown and players are sent.
    broadcastmessage: The server is going offline for a restart to reduce lag! Please attempt to reconnect afterwards!

    # Warning message to be sent that they are getting kicked to the hub server.
    beforerestartmessage: The server is restarting in 3 seconds! You will be redirected to the lobby!
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