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Solved Hamachi with LilyPad

Discussion in 'Support' started by geegeeman77, Dec 28, 2013.

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  1. geegeeman77

    geegeeman77 New Member

    Hi everyone.

    I got a new router, and when I try to use Port Map on LilyPad, it says Router Incompatible. I know that Logmein Hamachi is a substitute to this. Is there any way I can configure my LilyPad allinone.conf for it to be compatible with Hamachi?
  2. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    Bind the IP to your hamachi IP
  3. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Please report back if this work, I am very curious on this, never had experience with hamachi.
  4. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    LilyPad should work with Hamachi out of the box.
  5. geegeeman77

    geegeeman77 New Member

    Thanks! This worked perfectly. I dunno why it didn't work before...
  6. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Sweet, glad to here that!
  7. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    Marked as solved and closed :)
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