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Internal Mismatch 0x02

Discussion in 'Support' started by Speedysnail6, Jan 12, 2014.

  1. Speedysnail6

    Speedysnail6 New Member

  2. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Please post you whole config, and search the forms. And read the before you post, and give all the information it asks for. However:

  3. Speedysnail6

    Speedysnail6 New Member

    I do forward the domain to toastykraft, and you can see I do not use a wildcard in a domain/subdomain/ip I dont see what more of the config is requires.
  4. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    It lets me actually read it. Please copy and paste it into the bb code. Also, JLily is no longer supported, so you should look into GoLilyPad.
  5. Speedysnail6

    Speedysnail6 New Member

    I'll consider upgrading.
    Code (text):
        "servers": [
            "domain": "*",
            "server": "multikraft"
            "domain": "mk.kraftersmc.net",
            "server": "multikraft"
            "domain": "sk.kraftersmc.net",
            "server": "skykraft"
            "domain": "tk.kraftersmc.net",
            "server": "toastykraft"
  6. Speedysnail6

    Speedysnail6 New Member

    by the way the gyazo links were just screenshots
  7. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    There is no real point not to upgrade. Faster, supported, and less ram. And the full config please if you don't decide to.
  8. Speedysnail6

    Speedysnail6 New Member

    Why do u need the full config
  9. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Well, I have never seen this error before, so I am assuming it is something with your setup. Either way, I still suggest you should switch to go.
  10. Speedysnail6

    Speedysnail6 New Member

    ok... I'll try updating. The thing is that this only happens on one Server
  11. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Well, that would have been helpful to know, any other information would help solve your issue to. But, try switching to Go, as said before there is no reason not to, and report back.
  12. Speedysnail6

    Speedysnail6 New Member

    I use a control panel similar to multicraft. It's a shared host, and currently its a pain in the butt to do that. That's my reason.
    Code (text):
      "proxy": {
        "bind": {
          "address": "",
          "port": 25565
        "outbound": {
          "address": ""
        "servers": [
            "domain": "*",
            "server": "multikraft"
            "domain": "mk.kraftersmc.net",
            "server": "multikraft"
            "domain": "sk.kraftersmc.net",
            "server": "skykraft"
            "domain": "tk.kraftersmc.net",
            "server": "toastykraft"
        "motd": "§c[u00266§lKrafters u00267u0026lNetwork§r§c] §1Minigames§r§f, §4PvP§f, §8RPG§f, §bSky§f, §2Building§f, u00269Survivalu0026f, §aetc. u0026f[u0026ckraftersmc.net§f]",
        "playerMaximum": 300,
        "authenticate": true,
        "throttle": 2500,
        "tabEnabled": true,
        "localeFull": "You seem to be already logged in",
        "localeOffline": "The requested server is currently offline. Try again later!",
        "localeLoggedIn": "You have logged in from another location",
        "localeLostConn": "Lost connection... Please try to reconnect",
        "localeShutdown": "The server is being restarted. Please try to reconnect"
      "queryTcp": {
        "bind": {
          "address": "",
          "port": 5555
      "queryUdp": {
        "bind": {
          "address": "",
          "port": 25565
      "connect": {
        "bind": {
          "address": "",
          "port": 5091
        "logins": [
            "username": "multikraft",
            "password": "asd"
            "username": "supadupakraft",
            "password": "das"
            "username": "skykraft",
            "password": "ads"
            "username": "korruptedkraft",
            "password": "ads"
            "username": "toastykraft",
            "password": "ads"
  13. Psylo

    Psylo New Member

    The cause of the issue is firewalls. Either on the machine where the minecraft server is, or on the machine where the lilypad software is. If linux (centos?) service iptables stop , or configure the firewall to allow the proper ports.
  14. Liveonline

    Liveonline New Member

    What Psylo says... probably has something to do with the firewall, I had this issue also. Flush IP tables to see if it resolves anything. If that it doesn't help, reboot the server if that is possible.

    Code (text):
    $IPTABLES -F -t nat

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