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Resolved "Screen Spazzing Out" Glitch

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by xhockey, Jan 13, 2014.

  1. xhockey

    xhockey New Member

    Explanation of Bug: The bug did not happen in 1.6.4 and when we updated to 1.7.4 it started to happen at random points in time. There is nothing in console that notices the error, but there is surely something wrong. It's not the mini-game itself because it happens across all of our servers. We believe the error is LilyPad but if you think it is something else please leave suggestions for what that could be and how to fix it.

    Video: Skip to 14 seconds to see the glitch happen -

    Version: At first we were on a older version of LilyPad so we thought that was the problem, but we recently updated to the latest version and we still receive that same problem. We are using the latest version of Spigot.

    Reproduction of Bug: This bug occurs at random moments and nothing comes up in console.

    P.S. When the player gets killed they no longer are in this spazzing out glitch.

    Note we are using GoLilypad. Latest build
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2014
  2. sgtcaze

    sgtcaze Member Resource Contributor

    Perhaps @Coelho can shed some light on this :3 You see I too have noticed a bug similar to this, and I can guarantee we don't run the same plugins (to eliminate that as a variable). Players will randomly freeze with a spazzy glitch even more intense than the one you displayed, and for me, it too can come at different and indiscriminate times.

    I used to think it was when someone tried to teleport a player right on join, because that's where I saw it more frequently. But as time went on, and as I came to find, the glitch persisted. Additionally, leaving and rejoining would often times not fix the bug, players would HAVE to die, and the only real solution was to restart the server in question.

    Can anyone confirm? I've been searching Bukkit for similar problems, but cannot find anything.

    Edit: The only reason I think it could be LilyPad is the backwards arrow glitch we saw in 1.6.4.
  3. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    It would be great if someone would be able to pinpoint the actual issue through a client modification. GoLilyPad is extraordinarily faster at sending packets than JLilyPad, and this may cause a race condition that was before unknown within the Minecraft client.

    As for GoLilyPad's overall behavior however, it is not incorrect.
  4. duper51

    duper51 New Member

    Hey @Coelho,
    I concur with the other two posters. I don't really know what you would like me to modify in my client, but I can guarantee that this also happens on unmodded clients. I was actually about to post this but it looks like these people got to it first. If you can give me code to modify into my client, I'll go investigate it for you.
  5. sgtcaze

    sgtcaze Member Resource Contributor

    Will definitely due. As for your first impression, do you believe this is a problem inherently within Bukkit/Spigot or JLilyPad? I'll be looking out for this one, as I even saw it in 1.6.4 (which left me doubtful of its origin).

    If you have any ideas you think it could be, we can certainly get the players to test it. :3

    Edit: Do any of you guys run ProtocolLib? Edit: No that wasn't it :p
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2014
  6. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    I believe it's an issue with Minecraft that GoLilyPad is exposing. Only a client modification (to debug) would be able to prove this though.
  7. duper51

    duper51 New Member

    So what do you suggest we modify? Add code to print statuses of packets being sent, or something else. I'm not very good with the networking in Java, and GO is beyond me so I don't know what this "client modification" would entail.
  8. xhockey

    xhockey New Member

    Just out of curiosity do you guys use Linux? It might be a bug related to Linux if we are in fact all using it.
  9. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    I don't think Linux can be the problem. Otherwise there would be other issues like with Bukkit or JLilyPad.
  10. xhockey

    xhockey New Member

  11. duper51

    duper51 New Member

    The coder of BungeeCord said this in IRC.
    [17:03] <B> (md_5) I know that issue
    [17:03] <B> (md_5) bungee had it a long time ago
    [17:03] <duper51> http://www.spigotmc.org/threads/1-7-death-frozen-bug.7516/
    [17:03] <B> (md_5) and guess what, we fixed it
    [17:03] <duper51> Mind telling me how you fixed it?
    [17:04] <B> (md_5) properly rewrite all the entity IDs

    Apparently the EntityID's are not being correctly rewritten.
  12. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Although it is indeed correct that we are not rewriting the EntityId's completely as of this time, I do not believe that would remedy the issue - at all.
  13. duper51

    duper51 New Member

    @Coelho, would you mind if you told me where you are rewriting the EntityIds? If I go and modify it I may be able to fix the problem. It's worth a shot.
  14. xhockey

    xhockey New Member

    Coelho if it worked for Bungee wouldn't it work for Lilypad as well? It's worth a shot to at least try to fix it if many of us are having these issues.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

  16. duper51

    duper51 New Member

    Thanks @Coelho, at present, it looks like the problem was fixed by that build.
    I'll let you know if something goes awry.

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