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Invalid Major Bed Spawning Problem!

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by BudLink, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. BudLink

    BudLink New Member

    Explanation of the bug:
    I have two servers running GoLilyPad. They are linked via "LilyPad-Portal v19" & "LilyPadPortalCommand v12". I step into the created portal and appear in the other server without any problems. Then I go in CREATIVE MODE. Then sleep in a bed during the night. Once the night is over, I reappear in a block next to the bed. The bed has ample place on a empty field. To continue playing I must exit the game FORCEFULLY. <COMMAND><Q>. Note: I run OS Mavericks. The servers are on a client called CreeperHost and they did a very good job installing GoLilyPad. The problem lies with GoLilyPad.
    The Bug: (Actual Error)
    None to my knowledge. I simply cannot sleep in a bed on the other server.
    - Craftbukkit v1.7.2 R0.2 (Build #2974) (I tried many other Builds of the R.03).
    - LilyPadConnect v51.
    - LilyPad-Portal v19.
    - LilyPad-PortalCommand v12.
    - I do not know the versions of GoLilyPad. CreeperHost did the installation on a Linux VPS. (Two worlds, two VPS). Also, I am new to GoLilyPad.
    Reproduction Bug:
    Please read "Explanation of the bug".
    Attached Document:
    Bootup sequence of the second server stripped down of all non essential plugins. Also deleted the original world and created a new one for testing purposes. Same problem occurs.

    Is it possible to know when I can expect a Time of Bug Fix in a future version?

    Thank you for any help you can provide.

    Attached Files:

    • Useful Useful x 1
  2. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    I just plopped down a bed on my server, slept, and woke up with no issue. Can you please ask your host and tell me what version of GoLilyPad you are using?
  3. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Also, CreeperHost wouldn't happen to use Multicraft?
  4. BudLink

    BudLink New Member

    Attached is all the information CreeperHost has given me about GoLilyPad.
    As for Multicraft, it is the first time I hear of this. I googled it and never saw any types of GUI resembling this. So I would say that they don't use Multicraft.

    Attached Files:

  5. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    We're going to need the versions of the LilyPad server, not the plugins :)
  6. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    I'm going to assume this bug is not valid as we haven't received a response in awhile and I can't reproduce it :)

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