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[Solved] internal exception bju cannot be cast to fm

Discussion in 'Support' started by Liveonline, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. Liveonline

    Liveonline New Member

    Hi there,

    So since today I have been getting this error at login (see title), the only thing I can remember is adding more servers to the lilypad main config and preroute some IP's in the firewall to get multiple servers on different IP's. And if you are curious why I would do this? well simple. So I can post multiple servers on PlanetMinecraft instead of just one. (because PlanetMinecraft wants to verify your server and you may only have one IP and one of the same server)

    So here we go config wise:

    IP tables:
    Code (text):

    $IPTABLES -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d --dport 25565 -j DNAT --to-destination
    $IPTABLES -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d --dport 25565 -j DNAT --to-destination
    $IPTABLES -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d --dport 25565 -j DNAT --to-destination
    I Guess this should not effect operations?

    Code (text):
      "proxy": {
        "bind": {
          "address": "",
          "port": 25565
        "outbound": {
          "address": ""
        "servers": [
            "domain": "play.xlivecraft.com",
            "server": "hub"
            "domain": "mc.xlivecraft.com",
            "server": "hub"
            "domain": "hub.xlivecraft.com",
            "server": "hub"
            "domain": "play.livesmp.net",
            "server": "hub"
            "domain": "mc.livesmp.net",
            "server": "hub"
            "domain": "hub.livesmp.net",
            "server": "hub"
            "domain": "play.livepvp.net",
            "server": "pvp"
            "domain": "mc.livepvp.net",
            "server": "pvp"
            "domain": "hub.livepvp.net",
            "server": "pvp"
        "motd": "",
        "playerMaximum": 1000,
        "authenticate": true,
        "throttle": 2500,
        "tabEnabled": true,
        "localeFull": "You seem to be already logged in",
        "localeOffline": "The requested server is currently offline. Try again later!",
        "localeLoggedIn": "You have logged in from another location",
        "localeLostConn": "Lost connection... Please try to reconnect",
        "localeShutdown": "The server is being restarted. Please try to reconnect"
      "queryTcp": {
        "bind": {
          "address": "",
          "port": 5555
      "queryUdp": {
        "bind": {
          "address": "",
          "port": 25565
      "connect": {
        "bind": {
          "address": "",
          "port": 5091
        "logins": [
            "username": "hub",
            "password": "123"
            "username": "skyblock",
            "password": "123"
            "username": "pvp",
            "password": "123"
    I did however rebooted the linux server once, suddenly it worked but after I restarted the main minecraft server it gave me that error again. What am I doing wrong, any tips?

    Also I google'd for like an hour, read every forum. But nothing about Lilypad and if I remove Lilypad from the plugins folder, change the portal of the main server to 25565 I can connect just fine without that error. So my conclusion is that it has something to do with Lilypad. Dont get me wrong I love Lilypad but how can this happen?
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2014
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  2. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Because you are using an unsupported version of LilyPad. You should look into Go.
  3. Liveonline

    Liveonline New Member

    It worked yesterday..... how would it not work today?
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2014
  4. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Either something with your set up changed, either by you or your host, or even, the slight possibility that the mine craft servers changed. Yesterday I know they went through, "Server Maintenance". I don't know if they changed something, but they were off for about an hour. Weather or not, back to my original point. There is no reason not to go to GoLily.
  5. Liveonline

    Liveonline New Member

    Is GoLily harder or easier? Because at the moment im so busy with other things.... can't you think of an solution for now?
  6. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    I would see its simplified, not necessarily easier. I would say that you could probably switch over in less then ten minutes if you are familiar with with linux and lilypad, which you are, it might be less. I strongly suggest you switch.
  7. Liveonline

    Liveonline New Member

    So I installed GoLily, LOOK what I still get when I try to connect to the server:


    Yes, I have the latest Spigot and the latest GoLily build, how does this error still appear?
  8. Shawshark

    Shawshark Active Member Resource Contributor

    Could you show me your config?
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Liveonline

    Liveonline New Member

    Code (text):
    bind: :5091
    - username: skyblock
      password: 123
    - username: smp
      password: 123
    - username: pvp
      password: 123
    - username: connect
      password: 123
    - regexp: ^example-.*$
      password: example
    Code (text):
        username: connect
        password: 123
      - domain: ""
        server: skyblock
      - domain: example.com
        - hub1
        - hub2
        motd: Example Custom MOTD
        full: The server seems to be currently full. Try again later!
        offline: The requested server is currently offline. Try again later!
        loggedIn: You seem to be logged in already. Try again later!
        lostConn: Lost connection... Please try to reconnect
        shutdown: The server is being restarted. Please try to reconnect
      motd: A LilyPad Server
      maxPlayers: 1
      authenticate: true
    Also what plugin do I use for in the Plugin folder? The same as for every other or is there a special GoLily Connect Plugin?
  10. Shawshark

    Shawshark Active Member Resource Contributor

    Same plugin you would use for jlilypad which is 'Bukkit-Connect' which can be downloaded from here: http://ci.lilypadmc.org/job/Bukkit-Connect/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/target/Bukkit-Connect.jar

    Is there any errors on startup of your minecraft server?
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Liveonline

    Liveonline New Member

    No errors at all. I seriously do not get it why I get this error when connecting with my minecraft client to my server. No-one on the internet seems to know how to solve this problem, I've been looking at this error for 2 days now. I have my main server run without lily at the moment because else people cannot connect to it.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2014
  12. Shawshark

    Shawshark Active Member Resource Contributor

    Could you setup a clear new server with only bukkit-connect in it and see if the error persists, could possible be something wrong with the players .dat file?

    Edit: https://mojang.atlassian.net/browse/MC-42286
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Liveonline

    Liveonline New Member

    I will try it now just because I am out of options at the moment, but I think it's unlikely.
  14. Shawshark

    Shawshark Active Member Resource Contributor

    If that doesn't work feel free to pm for my skype and I can help you over that.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Liveonline

    Liveonline New Member

    Okay so I installed a new server.... still same problem.

    Even used bukkit instead of spigot just to rule out that spigot might be the problem.

  16. Liveonline

    Liveonline New Member

    Well problem is fixed with the help of Shawshark!

    Those who ever get this error, it was basically a Firewall issue. I already suspected that but I was unable to figure it out. I am still a little unsure what the problem was but as soon as I added the following rule to the firewall:
    Code (text):
    $IPTABLES -F -t nat
    It was pretty much fixed.

    I messed to much with the firewall and forgot to clear the old NAT rules.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2014
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