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Proxy server is not redirecting properly D:

Discussion in 'Support' started by TheShadbusher, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. TheShadbusher

    TheShadbusher New Member

    I've been using GoLilyPad for a while now, and it's been great. I've set it up in a way that no lobby server is needed (we may add one eventually though, just for fun), but we've run into an issue with the proxy redirecting players to a certain server.

    I registered the subdomain diversed.muricagaming.com and directed it to the proxy. Upon connecting, the proxy recognizes the domain used to connect and is supposed to direct them to the server named "diversed," however it does not. Users trying to connect get the message that is set to display when the selected server is offline, however the server is online. People can connect to the server by joining another server on the network and using /server, and I as well as the owner of the server that's having issues can use the subdomain just fine.

    Also, the server in question does indeed connect to the "cloud."

    Here's the proxy.yml, with unnecessary information redacted:

    Code (text):
      address: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
        username: #######
        password: #######
      bind: :25565
      - domain: "#####.muricagaming.com"
        server: #####
      - domain: "########.muricagaming.com"
        server: ####
      - domain: "#####.nodesoftware.com"
        server: #####
    #  - domain: "########.muricagaming.com"
    #    server: #####
      - domain: "###############.muricagaming.com"
        server: ###############
      - domain: "###.muricagaming.com"
        server: ###
      - domain: "#########.muricagaming.com"
        server: ###
      - domain: "###########.muricagaming.com"
        server: ####
      - domain: "diversed.muricagaming.com"
        server: diversed
      - domain: "mc.diversed.com"
        server: diversed
        full: The server seems to be currently full. Try again later!
        offline: The requested server is currently offline. Try again later!
        loggedIn: You seem to be logged in already. Try again later!
        lostConn: Lost connection... Please try to reconnect
        shutdown: The server is being restarted. Please try to reconnect
      motd: '&8[&31.7.4&8] &5&l&k|||&r &4&lMu&f&lri&1&lca &a&lGaming&r &5&l&k|||&r                                &5FBCSC &8| &eSurvival Friends &8| &3Diversed &8| &4FBCSC CTF'
      maxPlayers: 100
      authenticate: true
  2. TheShadbusher

    TheShadbusher New Member

    Solved. People were connecting using "Diversed.muricagaming.com," and the proxy didn't recognize that as "diversed.muricagaming.com."

    Is there any reason not to have capitalization be irrelevant when setting up the proxy's domains?
  3. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    It shouldn't matter, very interesting. But if this is true, it might help allot if it was added @Coelho .
  4. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

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