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Server APPEARING offline; but connection behaves normally [3 DAYS ONGOING]

Discussion in 'Support' started by jlevin, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. jlevin

    jlevin New Member

    I've done many tests to help you in finding a hopeful easy solution.

    You can test what exactly is happening, first hand by adding "play.mc-lof.com" to your server list, and refreshing the page.

    It appears, "Can't connect to server." with red X on the status bar. However, if you select it and click Join, it connects perfectly fine. This has been going on for 3 straight days.

    max ping in bukkit.yml is -1.
    Latest spigot build, latest GoLily build, Bukkit-Connect, etc.

    If I use IP and port such as play.mc-lof.com:9993 (test factions server port), it pings it normally, however; I can't connect to it because it's not through Lily and it returns "Can't autheticate with LilyPad proxy."

    Direct IP and port yield working, however if I use 25565 as the port (Lilypad proxy server) it does not work!

    Linux ubuntu 12.04

    No malfunctioning iptables/firewalls.

    Please help, and thank you :)
  2. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Two more things needed:

    First, configs/ip tables would be nice to see.

    Second, the most current builds doesn't help to what build number you are using. New builds can come out between posts.
  3. jlevin

    jlevin New Member

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