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Multiple domain and Disconnected from cloud issue

Discussion in 'Support' started by luke199, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. luke199

    luke199 New Member


    I am helping out a friend with his dedicated server and I am having some issues trying to connect the domain upto it, When we try to connect the domain we can connect to the server on the IP but not on the domain play.goliathnetworks.net

    http://pastebin.com/ziYMJTCu <- Proxy Config
    http://pastebin.com/aSiRgHcv <- connect config

    When we also start the servers every now and then we will get http://pastebin.com/67BWz8gu could someone help me here? I have set it up the same was as my linux dedicated server and that works fine but this one wont.

  2. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Do you have the domain pointed to the IP?

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