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Anti kick when joining a full server.

Discussion in 'Requests' started by Shawshark, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. Shawshark

    Shawshark Active Member Resource Contributor

    If anyone has the time and you are a java developer could you make a plugin for when the server is full it doesn't just send you out of the server, What it does is get a message from the config on that server and send it to that player on what ever server there one for example: [Kicked] This server is full! Please try again later!
    Of what I know of LilyPad API it should be easier to have the plugin in each server BUT the hub and when joining a server cancel the joining and send a message on a channel. Correct me if I'm wrong because currently I am learning java.
    This message should be made to be able to change in a config.
  2. Creepers-Help

    Creepers-Help New Member

    Sounds GREAT!
    I wish I knew Java :p
  3. pvmac2194

    pvmac2194 New Member

    I realize this is an old thread, but my plugin accomplishes this: http://www.lilypadmc.org/resources/lilyutils.44/

    Provides checks to see if the requested server is full, if the player connecting is whitelisted, or if they are banned, and sends them a chat before even trying any kind of redirecting. :)

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