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Help: "Lilypad / Multicraft" Say What???

Discussion in 'Support' started by Live4Redline, Mar 5, 2014.

  1. Live4Redline

    Live4Redline New Member

    I wrote this to post in the following area but it ended up being long winded and i feared that it may have gone off topic a bit and decided to just make a thread instead.


    Few quick questions if someone doesn't mind...

    I just spent all night trying to set something up via this link http://www.lilypadmc.org/threads/how-to-setup-jlilypad-with-multicraft.133/ and i read later its not supported anymore on top of other things that i read that lilypad might not even do what i was wanting to do in the first place.

    So what i was looking for was some way to run multiple servers from my single hosted Multicraft. I have one IP, one Multicraft and a dream to expand my one server into a Hub and two or more game types. So i guess my first question is... does Lilypad do that?

    My next question is... if it doesn't do that, which I'm guessing it does not then what does it do? I was able to get jLilypad or what ever from the above link to run on my hosted multicraft but theres no way to *RUN* a "hub" server in order to connect to it. I had been thinking maybe you would run the allinone and hub from the one hosted multicraft and your additional games from other hosted multicraft slots but i'm confused because i don't see that ether. The tutorial says you need two multicraft servers and then talks about a HUB and one SERVER but without a way to run the "allinone" and a hub on a single host and your additional server on another, it looks as if you need 3 hosted multicraft to run a hub+1 server. Thats assuming that would even work because i just stopped there. I had the allinone configured and running with no errors but then the tutorial skips some steps and doesn't mention anything about how to start the servers, where to install the servers, or where to even put the IP's for the servers if there not on the same IP. Im not refering to basic server building im talking activating or running the servers along side "allinone". So is it safe to assume that you have to waste an entire multicraft slot just to run the "allinone", and then two more slots to run a hub and server? For a total of three hosted multicraft slots and IPS?

    On top of that, the post "The_zip" and "boboman13" made in the GoLilyPad post says "You can't use a MultiCraft host for running LilyPad." and my mind if blown because there's a tutorial for running it on multicraft and i honestly don't know of any reason to even bother using multicraft if not for hosting. Its literally called "Multicraft - The Minecraft Hosting Solution". So were they referring just to the new Golilypad version or am i missing something?

    I'm just confused and I'm sorry that i referenced a bunch of unsupported content but my point is... will trying all this again with GoLilyPad instead make a difference and help me do anything toward my goal and the goal is flexible. I just need to know what this does and what i need in order for it to do what i need it too. I've been running a single game type server now for awhile and I just want to expand with the best possible option preferable with the host i have now which provides us with a great service and access to anything I've needed so far.

    Thanks in advance and sorry for the long winded post.

    Just so that its posted, i did several different setups for the config trying multiple things. This is what i ended before I gave up.
    Code (text):
      "proxy": {
        "bind": {
          "address": "",
          "port": 25565
        "outbound": {
          "address": ""
        "servers": [
            "domain": "*",
            "server": "hub"
        "motd": "A Minecraft Server",
        "playerMaximum": 1,
        "authenticate": true,
        "throttle": 2500,
        "tabEnabled": true,
        "localeFull": "You seem to be already logged in",
        "localeOffline": "The requested server is currently offline. Try again later!",
        "localeLoggedIn": "You have logged in from another location",
        "localeLostConn": "Lost connection... Please try to reconnect",
        "localeShutdown": "The server is being restarted. Please try to reconnect"
      "queryTcp": {
        "bind": {
          "address": "",
          "port": 5555
      "queryUdp": {
        "bind": {
          "address": "",
          "port": 25565
      "connect": {
        "bind": {
          "address": "",
          "port": 5091
        "logins": [
            "username": "hub",
            "password": "hubpassword"
    Code (text):
      port: 25565
        username: hub
        password: hubpassword
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2014
  2. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Hey @Live4Redline , from what it sounds, you are completely off on a few things. I'll try to clarify them as best as I can.

    Regarding to your first point, JLilypad and GoLilypad both work as a proxy server, connecting multiple minecraft servers together. However, JLilyPad is no longer supported, and you should not be running it. To be honest, @Coelho , it might be smart to change the title of that thread to "UNSUPORTED! How to set up JLilyPad with Multicraft". But back to the point, therefor, you should not be running JLilyPad at all.

    Now, what a multicraft host is/does hosts 1 minecraft server(or a jar file). And, GoLilyPad runs off of Go and not Java. Therefor you will not be able to run GoLily on it.
    And, if you would like to be doing everything on one minecraft server, I would check out http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/multiverse-core/ .
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Live4Redline

    Live4Redline New Member

    See that doesn't make any since too me. You have Jlilypad which ran off java and supported by everyone and it was replaced with something thats less compatible? On top of the new format; Go, which after watching several videos turns out to be a thousand times more difficult to setup. I feel like you would damn near need to print out a book in order to go through all the commands just to pretend to get it started. Its gone from "drop and edit" to spending several hours in a cmd prompt throwing random commands hoping not to miss anything. So i don't really understand? Im assuming more freedom but does it really have to be downgraded to a "linux lifestyle" cmd prompt for initial setup?

    Setting GoLilyPad a side... could the Jlilypad before it was unsupported run the proxy and the hub server from a single multicraft?, or did you have to have the proxy on one, the hub on another, and the server on a third? Obviously if you need three, then having several single multicraft servers is not cost effective and your looking at VPS's and Dedicated Servers and yes or no purchasing your own multicraft???

    If Lilypad/GoLilypad doesnt support multicraft anymore then what all do i need to make my goals possible? VSP?, Dedicated?, is there anything else i need to purchase in order to make GoLilyPad work?

    P.S: Multiverse-Core doesn't do what i'm looking for... I don't need multiple worlds, i need multiple games ie plugins and ect. Multiverse doesn't even support Adventure anymore, so i couldn't even add a FAKE pluginless mini-game if i wanted. But I appreciate the suggestion, thanks.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2014
  4. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Yes, it is incompatible with java, but this does not make it less compatible. Starting off, it is not 1,000 times harder in any way possible. In my opinion, it is allot easier to set up using the new formatting, and the only marjor thing other than simplification is that you need to have two separate programs running. And, it should take no where close to server hours, more on the hand of less than 15 min. There is nothing confusing about it if you follow the tutorial http://www.lilypadmc.org/threads/setting-up-a-golilypad-server-ssh-centos.380/ simple as it gets.

    Do a little more reading on what exactly Multicraft is. Its just a GUI that allows you to easy maneuver through a minecraft server, for people who have no experience with technology can run a server. One Multicraft 'server' can only run one server. Therefor yes, if you run JLily with Multicraft you would need to have the proxy running on a separate server. And yes, you would need to buy a VPS(not vsp, it stands for virtual private server), or a dedicated server to do this on, or even on a computer if you leave your on, it takes little to no ramn.

    As said above you would only need something that you can run a linux off of.

    This doesn't make any sense, and I've seen it done a handful of times getting the idea 'hub' feel. As long as its not a server wide plugin, you can use MultiVerse. You can do Survival Games and other major plugins.
  5. Live4Redline

    Live4Redline New Member

    The first video i looked at made it look extreamly intimidating. The video in the link you posted looks a great deal more simplified and easier.

    To me, multicraft just gives me a server "START" / "STOP" button and a remote console screen that you don't typically get when your FTP'ed. But it is the most popular hosting solution and typically forced on to people who are looking at hosting. And i did mean VPS and not VSP, thanks.

    Yes, but I'm already using a list of plugins that cant be controlled or limited from world to world.

    I have the option to move over to a VPS so i may just do that and go the GoLilyPad route the more I start to understand it. I do have an additional question... can i run everything from my VPS and link to a server on a remote location as well? For example if i wanted to run a test server from my local machine for ease of access and lag reduction (large world edits and such) could this be accessible from my VPS runing GoLilipad and Hub? Is there a tutorial for this? The linked video talks about adding servers but i didn't see where it specified adding remote servers.

    And thanks again The_Zip.
  6. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Yes you can do this, it would be the same way as adding a local host.
  7. Live4Redline

    Live4Redline New Member

    Doing some tests on my local machine and trying to get familiar with everything. So far so good, still haven't attempted to link off the local machine but it was rather easy to get a local cloud up and running. Indeed it was a lot easier and on windows required no cmd prompt work, thanks again.

    I did post another question in a new thread: http://www.lilypadmc.org/threads/hub-and-direct-connect-ips.513/

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