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Solved Multiple Proxy issue

Discussion in 'Support' started by michaelh3x3n@gmail.cxom, May 5, 2014.

  1. I now updated to the newest version of Bukkit-Connect. I run two go-lily proxies. The only thing is, you can only see the online players that connect on the same proxy as you. What is the fix for this?
  2. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Just to double check, you only have only have one Bukkit-Connect running? Correct? And how are you displaying the number of players online? Are you getting it from a ping? Or some type of in game command?
  3. When I ping the server before joining it combines the player counts. Once on, doing /who show let's say 7 players but when you do tab it only shows the people on the same proxy as you. Along with that, you can't see the others in game, only the ones on the same proxy.
  4. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Ok, I am a little confused with what your situation still is. So, I am going to explain it, and you tell me what parts I have wrong.

    You have a setup with two proxy's going into one bukkit connect server, in which both of the proxy's are connect too one hub server. On this hub server in game, you type /who (Which I am assuming is an alternative command for /list, I have never heard of /who), and it only displays the people from the same proxy as you. And in the tab, it is only displays the people on the same server as you, and that connect through the same proxy as you.

    And just to clarify, you are aware that the tab will only display the players on the particular server that you are on. And that the /list will only display the players on the particular server you are on as well.
  5. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    This was marked as solved? Did you figure everything out?

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