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LillyPad Cannot Connect

Discussion in 'Support' started by NateTHEgreatest3, Aug 17, 2014.

  1. NateTHEgreatest3

    NateTHEgreatest3 New Member

    When I start Lillypad i get this:
    I am getting errors on all Servers:
    This is the Connect.yml
    Code (text):
    bind: :5091
    - username: Lipd
      password: (password)
    - username: hub
      password: (password)
    - username: dev
      password: (password)
    - username: skywars
      password: (password)
    - username: skyblock
      password: (password)
    - username: towny
      password: (password)
    - username: creative
      password: (password)
    - username: color
      password: (password)
    - username: PrisonEscape-1
      password: (password)
    - username: querry
      password: (password)

    - regexp: ^example-.*$
      password: example
    and this is the Proxy.yml
    Code (text):
        username: Lipd
        password: (password)
      bind: :25565
      - domain: ""
        server: hub
      - domain: example.com
        - hub1
        - hub2
        motd: Example Custom MOTD
      - domain: hub.example.com
        server: hub
        - Example MOTD 1
        - Example MOTD 2
      - domain: icon.example.com
        server: hub
        icon: icon.png
        - icon1.png
        - icon2.png
        - icons/icon3.png
        full: The server seems to be currently full. Try again later!
        offline: The requested server is currently offline. Try again later!
        loggedIn: You seem to be logged in already. Try again later!
        lostConn: Lost connection... Please try to reconnect
        shutdown: The server is being restarted. Please try to reconnect
      motd: §7§l<< §6§lCarrotCraft §2§lNetwork §7§l>>                  §8Under Maintenance
      maxPlayers: 1
      authenticate: true
    Just as an example here is my Hub servers config file (in the lillypad-connect folder)
    Code (text):
      port: 5091
        username: hub
        password: (password)
    when i try to log on, it tells me the server is offline D:

    Ive restarted both servers and proxy multiple times but idk whats wrong here!
    Any help would be great
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2014
  2. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Are all these servers on the same server? Are the connect and the proxy on the same server? Is the proxy connecting to the connect server?

    Also, I would suggest reading the configuration guide. It might help you understand some stuff and edit your configs to be the proper way. Read http://www.lilypadmc.org/threads/configuration-guide.594/ , and come back reposting all of your configs. And what software are you running all of these on?
  3. NateTHEgreatest3

    NateTHEgreatest3 New Member

    EDIT: nvm i figured it out, i forgot to restart the servers xD

    So i relized i needed to reload the Query also, so i did that and now it allows me to log onto my hub, server and Server A, but none else. Its important to note i just updated the password/username thing to all servers, except server A. so... i was thinking that maybe i need to reload something else for all of them to work?
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2014

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