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Randomly teleportation and configuration wrong

Discussion in 'Support' started by TheZopo, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. TheZopo

    TheZopo New Member

    Hello !
    First, I want to prevent, beacause I'm french, so my english may be very bad xD

    With my bad english :
    I have 5 server with the plugin BukkitConnect linked to AllInOne server, but when I connect on the lobby server (AllInOne), I'm teleported randomly on 1 of 5 servers. But I would like when I connect on the lobby server, i was on a define server and later I choose the server I want connect (with a sign, portal etc).

    I left the defaut configuration of lilyPad, but I think it's not a good idea xD !
    So can you explain to me, how to do this. And how to configure lilyPad !

    In french :
    J'ai 5 serveurs avec le plugin BukkitConnect que j'ai connecter au serveur AllInOne, mais que je me connecte sur le serveur principale, je suis téléporté aléatoirement sur un des cinq serveurs. Mais je voudrais que quand je me connecte sur le serveur principal, je sois sur un serveur définis et que plus tard je choisisse sur quel serveur je veux me connecter (avec un panneaux, portail etc).

    J'ai laissé la configuration par défaut de lilyPad, mais je ne pense pas que se soit une bonne idée xD !
    Donc pouvez-vous m'expliquez, comment faire cela. Et comment configurer lilyPad ?

    Thanks !
  2. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Hi there :)

    Each individual CraftBukkit server will need to have their own username and password in LilyPad's AllInOne Server. For example, if you have a pvp server, it's username would be pvp and it's password would simply be something secret. Then, you put the username and password in the Bukkit-Connect plugin, and it will be linked to the cloud.

    From there, you can use LilyPad Portal to create portals to and from pvp.

    If you need any more help, try to read the AllInOne documentation. I understand it is a bit hard to grasp, but I'll help you with what you don't understand.
  3. TheZopo

    TheZopo New Member

    Ok, thanks. I understood.
    But now, when I want to connect to a server with the server-list of Minecraft, I have an error : Authentication Failed.
    It isn't possible to connect to server without going through a portal on the lobby server ?
    Or it is just a bug of my configuration ?

    Thanks, for your future reply.
  4. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    The LilyPad Connect plugin does not allow people to connect when they have not connected from the proxy (Server-Standalone-AllInOne). If you want to connect directly to a server, you can use the proxies configuration (if you're using AllInOne, it's under Proxy), and forward a domain directly to a server.

    IE. domain: pvp.example.com -> server: pvp
  5. TheZopo

    TheZopo New Member

    Ok, I think I haven't inderstood :s

    I have change that in my config :
    Code (text):
      "proxy": {
        "servers": [
            "domain": "94.23.**.**:25568",
            "server": "network"
    But when i connect to my lobby server, I have a nullPointerException in the terminal :
    Code (text):
        at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.hash(ConcurrentHashMap.java:333)
        at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.get(ConcurrentHashMap.java:988)
        at lilypad.server.connect.node.NodeSessionMapper.getServerByUsername(NodeSessionMapper.java:31)
        at lilypad.server.connect.ConnectService.getServerByName(ConnectService.java:79)
        at lilypad.server.proxy.net.ProxySession.inboundAuthenticate(ProxySession.java:100)
        at lilypad.server.proxy.net.ProxyInboundHandler$1.run(ProxyInboundHandler.java:125)
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145)
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:615)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722)
    And this error in Minecraft : Error : Internal Mismatch (0x01)
    I have forgoten anything ?

    Thanks !
  6. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    In domains, at this time you're not able to use wildcards or regexes (unless it's the primary wildcard). I do have full intention to add this in the future. (It would help if you submitted it as a feature request)

    What is happening, is that LilyPad is finding that the user connecting to the server has no where to go and as such it redirects the player to the * domain. Unfortunately, there is none defined in your configuration so you receive an error. Try forwarding domain: * to server: network.
  7. TheZopo

    TheZopo New Member

    In fact, i used before domain: *, server: network...
    So it isn't possible to do what i want actually ?

    Sorry for my ignorance :D
  8. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Can you tell me exactly what you want to do?

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