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Multicraft lilypad spam error...

Discussion in 'Support' started by Felix, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. Felix

    Felix New Member

    This has been spamming my console.. some servers run fine others spam this... But ingame everything is fine, it looks like the world is corrupted but we need to keep our worlds.. Chunkster doesn't work either... I don't know what the issue is...
    I have provided a log.txt attachment.. It looks like lilypad or some thing is causing it... Please check

    Attached Files:

    • log.txt
      File size:
      125.9 KB
  2. Felix

    Felix New Member

    This is only occuring on 2 of my 7 servers working fine. I had to play around with the chmod and give everything 777, it worked for the other 5 servers but not these.. Not sure what is wrong
  3. cuddylier

    cuddylier New Member

    You need to set the permissions of the file 'plugins/LilyPad-Portal/store_gate.dat' to the user that is running the server on multicraft, basically lilypad can't access the file as it probably has root as the owner.
  4. Felix

    Felix New Member

    Thanks, this one is fixed.

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