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Resolved Chat Problem 1.7.2

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by ldyte1, Dec 3, 2013.

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  1. ldyte1

    ldyte1 New Member

    Hey me and my friend have a server using lilypad with have lilypad server , hub server and prison server.
    The problem is when you first join it directs you to hub server and you can speak normally in chat then u do /server prison and try speaking it doesnt show up. then if you go back to hub by doing /server hub u can no longer speak normally. u have to do /say <message>! this is a really annoying problem. please help soon. it is lilypad i know for a fact because we are running no other plugins. and this bug/problem happens when switching servers witch lily pad handles.if u need pictures or more info please tell me.we are using build #105 all in one for lilypad server. and 3 plugins for hub and prison server which are versions bukkit connect #15,bukkit portal #19,bukkit-portal command #12! and the server jars are
  2. diannafire

    diannafire New Member

    I can confirm this problem is with lilypad, switched over to a bungee setup with exactly the same plugins and the problem disappeared.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  3. online_ids

    online_ids New Member

    Yep same problem here is it easy to switch to bungee??
  4. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    I believe people are having this same problem over there with bungee, and it's not the proxies fault, its the Spigot. I have not yet updated so I couldn't tell you an exact fix, but I would try updating to the new Spigot, they release them constantly. If you have any errors, or anything please put them in a paste bin so we can see it, it might be something in the set up that looking at an error can fix.
  5. diannafire

    diannafire New Member

    The problem is not with spigot, spigot without lilypad in a single server setup is working fine, spigot with bungee is working fine, only with a full lilypad setup am i having this problem at all.
  6. online_ids

    online_ids New Member

    The error is this and only shows up when player joins the game "failed to store player address in INetworkManager" this is the only error that shows up
  7. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Any chance you can give the full error? Or are you getting this when you log into the server?

    Edit: And when do you get this error?
  8. online_ids

    online_ids New Member

    You get this when you join the servers and the player data for the servers is blank it like doesnt even recognize that you exist and that error is the full and only one
    You get this when you join the servers and the player data for the servers is blank it like doesnt even recognize that you exist and that error is the full and only one
  9. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Have you tried updating to the newest Spigot?
  10. online_ids

    online_ids New Member

    Yep and the newest bukkit and like the guy said above we have varified it is a lilypad problem by singling everything else out
  11. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Well chatting should not be a LilyPad problem. And may I ask how you identified it as a LilyPad problem. I just though up a LilyPad server on my local host, and it runs smoothly. I can log in and chat perfectly fine. So either you could explain why you decided why it HAS to be in LilyPad, or determine another solution.
  12. online_ids

    online_ids New Member

    its not bukkit or spigot because we have taken both those out and went to stable versions of each of those and still had problem and its not plugin problem because we took out all the plugins and still had same problem so what could it be?
  13. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Update Bukkit-Connect and Server-Standalone-AllInOne (or Proxy)
    • Winner Winner x 1
  14. online_ids

    online_ids New Member

    both updated
  15. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Versions? (don't say latest)
  16. online_ids

    online_ids New Member

    kk ill try updating to latest one sec
  17. online_ids

    online_ids New Member

    kk seems to have worked thanks i can talk but unsure if anyone else can can you try to come on and talk?
  18. online_ids

    online_ids New Member

    kk friend came on problem is fixed but theres another problem when your in the server list my server says i cant join because its 1.7.2 but i can join and it is 1.7.2 -_-
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2013
  19. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Is your server logo (server-icon.png) valid? (IE 64x64)
  20. ldyte1

    ldyte1 New Member

    May i ask what is the diffrence between Server-Standalone-AllInOne and Server-Standalone-Proxy?
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