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Solved Chat problem

Discussion in 'Support' started by online_ids, Dec 3, 2013.

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  1. online_ids

    online_ids New Member

    Hey me and my friend have a server using lilypad with have lilypad server , hub server and prison server.
    The problem is when you first join it directs you to hub server and you can speak normally in chat then u do /server prison and try speaking it doesnt show up. then if you go back to hub by doing /server hub u can no longer speak normally. u have to do /say <message>! this is a really annoying problem. please help soon. it is lilypad i know for a fact because we are running no other plugins. and this bug/problem happens when switching servers witch lily pad handles.if u need pictures or more info please tell me.we are using build #105 all in one for lilypad server. and 3 plugins for hub and prison server which are versions bukkit connect #15,bukkit portal #19,bukkit-portal command #12! and the server jars are
  2. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    This was already posted, and doesn't need to be reposted in two different forums. Go back to the other, and we will try to resolve this issues over there.

    @Matt can you lock this up, or do something with it when you get the chance:)
  3. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

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