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Connect a LilyPad Proxy with another LilyPad Proxy

Discussion in 'Support' started by falkse, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. falkse

    falkse New Member

    First, sorry for my bad english ;)
    I'm using LilyPad because I have connected many servers. The server of my friend wants to connect to my servers, but has no LilyPad because he only run one server. Does it work if my friend on his server sets up a portal to my LilyPad Proxy? Can Players also join the server of my friend over the old IP? Without the "LilyPad: Authentication to LilyPad failed" is there? And I want to stand up on my LilyPad proxy also a portal to the server from my friend. It must be possible, because I have experienced something like that ever.


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