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Couldn't connect to remote host: "null", retrying

Discussion in 'Support' started by flybelette, Jun 23, 2013.

  1. flybelette

    flybelette New Member

    Hello ! In first time i just want to say i don't speak English very well ( I'm French) so escuse-me if i loose some word ;D. I tried to use Lilypad on my bukkit server ( I'm going to buy 3-4 Servers ), I put all the Informations in the config.yml of the Lylipad's Folder :
    address: minecraft09.omgserv.com:10061
    port: 10061
    username: bukkit
    password: walrus
    But When i restart my server I have : "ERROR : Authentifaction to Lylipad Failed"
    and in the console i have "Couldn't connect to remote host: "null", retrying", I don't Understand nothing x),
    Thanks ! Flybelette.
  2. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Err, your config seems to be missing spaces that are required by yaml. It should be:
    Code (text):

      address: minecraft09.omgserv.com:10061
      port: 10061
        username: bukkit
        password: walrus
  3. flybelette

    flybelette New Member

    Thanks to answer me, but the spaces aren't in my config.yml, i made a copy/paste ;D
    I think it's a problem with the port, by default ( if i understood ) he must be 5091 but when i put this i get the same Error :(.
    Thanks !

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