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Completed Different servers / domains have their own playercount / MOTD

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by Alex Markey, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. Alex Markey

    Alex Markey New Member

    Would be good if each domain you set up in the allinone.conf was able to have its own seperate MOTD and playercount when viewed in the multiplayer server list. By this i mean:

    "domain": "*",
    "server": "hub"

    ^^ That is the HUB server which shows the MOTD and stuff

    "domain": "server2.domain.com",
    "server": "server2"

    ^^ If the player has the ip 'server2.domain.com' added to their multiplayer list, when the server pings, it shall show the playercount for that individual server, not the playercount for the whole cloud. Also if somehow you could set a MOTD for 'Server 2' and when it pings that server in the Multiplayer List, it would show its own MOTD.

    Kinda hard to explain, and idk if even possible haha, but would be useful ;)
  2. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    We're going to add individual MOTD support, but I'm not sure about individual playercount.
  3. Alex Markey

    Alex Markey New Member

    MOTD, good news!
    Reason i am wanting the individual playercount is just because i would get players complaining if it is saying "Server Is Full" when the playercount displays differently =L
  4. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Done :) An example is added to the default config.
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