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Getting players from another server

Discussion in 'Development' started by Shawshark, May 25, 2013.

  1. Shawshark

    Shawshark Active Member Resource Contributor

    Is there any method to get the players from one of the connected server
    like an option to instead of Bukkit.getServer to get another server connected
  2. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    You need to use MessageRequests and MessageEventListeners to accomplish this.
  3. Shawshark

    Shawshark Active Member Resource Contributor

    anyother messages you have to cheak for ?
  4. Shawshark

    Shawshark Active Member Resource Contributor

    Like ones you have to listen for to get players who join any server
  5. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    I'm not sure what you mean?
  6. loderos

    loderos New Member

    well, the thing is, what I want (and shaw was speaking in my name) is when a player joins any connected server, so a playerjoinevent, it sends the joined player name to the hub server, which then sends an updated player list to all the connected servers. Is this possible?
  7. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    It's definitely possible, but this isn't the most desirable approach at all in my opinion.
  8. loderos

    loderos New Member

    then what methods do i use for your most desired approach?
  9. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    Have the servers use messages to broadcast their players every 5 seconds, and then on recipient cache it. Simple.

    There are already plugins that do this, for example LilySigns.
  10. loderos

    loderos New Member

    thank you so much for your help

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