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Hub and Direct Connect IP's

Discussion in 'Support' started by Live4Redline, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. Live4Redline

    Live4Redline New Member

    There was another thread that talked about this to a point but there wasn't any clear answers...

    There is a server I've played on and i can link it if asked, that runs LilyPad. I think its an older version as its not a server thats kept up to date very well but i'm not sure. On this server you can connect to the hub use your /server commands and portals like normal BUT you can ALSO direct connect to each one via its own IP.


    Each address can /server to each other and everything like you would want.

    Of course when i try to do this and direct connect i get the message "Failed to connect to server. Error: Authentication to LilyPad failed.".

    How do i get my server to do this as well? On the thread i linked at the top its made to sound like this is not possible but I've clearly seen it done so.... any help here?
  2. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Have your proxy config look something like this: http://pastebin.com/ziYMJTCu

    If you can't do it, post your configs and I will edit them for you.
  3. Live4Redline

    Live4Redline New Member

    So, it took me a couple of tries to understand what was going on and I was starting to get doubtful but I seem to have gotten it working. I couldn't have done it without you The_Zip, thanks again mate.

    Here is what I ended up with on my "local_machine Test Build". It seems to be working as intended but if you see any issues feel free to let me know. (Note: I changed my domain to EXAMPLE.)


    Qu: I'm guessing that if there is a list of servers under the domain, it 1.) trys to connect to the first available server from top to bottom until one is available or 2.) does it log you into the last place you logged out within servers on that particular domains list?
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2014
  4. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Little confused with your question. What happens is when the user connects through any of the sub domains, it will direct the user to the specified server. For example with your config, if you have this:
    Code (text):
      - domain: sw.EXAMPLE.com
        - skywars
        motd: 'Connecting via sw.EXAMPLE.com to skywars'  
    And the user connects to your sw sub domain, they will be directed to the skyward server. And, the user will end up on that server.

    I hope this answers your question.
  5. Live4Redline

    Live4Redline New Member

    I've seen examples where it lists more then one server not to mention seen some odd results while using it. For example...
    In the above example I've seen instances where it did not log me in to skywars server so i was interested in the rule set behind it. Does it... "1.) try to connect to the first available server from top to bottom until one is available or 2.) does it log you into the last place you logged out within the servers on that particular domains list?"

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