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Motd for 1.7/1.8 bugged?

Discussion in 'Support' started by TobyWarren2000, Nov 10, 2014.

  1. TobyWarren2000

    TobyWarren2000 New Member

    Hello, my name is Toby, I'm having some trouble with my motd ive been trying to get my colours to work all day but it just bugs up.. example http://gyazo.com/4770c625d79d8fa869efcb624e006a13

    username: <hidden>
    password: <hidden>
    bind: :25565
    - domain: ""
    server: hub
    - domain: example.com
    - hub
    motd: Example dasfasf
    - domain: hub.exmaple.com
    server: hub
    - Example MOTD 1
    - Example MOTD 2
    - domain: icon.exmaple.com
    server: hub
    icon: icon.png
    - icon1.png
    - icon2.png
    - icons/icon3.png
    full: The server seems to be currently full. Try again later!
    offline: The requested server is currently offline. Try again later!
    loggedIn: You seem to be logged in already. Try again later!
    lostConn: Lost connection... Please try to reconnect
    shutdown: The server is being restarted. Please try to reconnect
    motd: &bEpiCrafts
    maxPlayers: 50
    syncMaxPlayers: false
    authenticate: true

    Also if i try the "ยง" colour symbol so please can someone help?
  2. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

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