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Remote connection help

Discussion in 'Support' started by iMurder, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. iMurder

    iMurder New Member

    Today i'm having issues with allowing my friends server to be linked with my servers.
    I host all my servers on localhost and want to allow his servers to be able to link with mine.
    Heres the allinone.conf right now.

    Code (text):
      "proxy": {
        "bind": {
          "address": "",
          "port": 25565
        "outbound": {
          "address": ""
        "servers": [
            "domain": "*",
            "server": "hub"
            "domain": "(Friends IP Address)",
            "server": "ecin"
        "motd": "Random message]",
        "playerMaximum": 1000,
        "authenticate": true,
        "throttle": 2500,
        "tabEnabled": true,
        "localeFull": "You seem to be already logged in",
        "localeOffline": "Random message",
        "localeLoggedIn": "Random message",
        "localeLostConn": "Random message",
        "localeShutdown": "Random message"
      "queryTcp": {
        "bind": {
          "address": "",
          "port": 5555
      "queryUdp": {
        "bind": {
          "address": "",
          "port": 25565
      "connect": {
        "bind": {
          "address": "",
          "port": 5091
        "logins": [
            "username": "hub",
            "password": "password"
            "username": "ecin",
            "password": "cookies"
    I have my friends IP Address typed under the "servers" part, and the server "ecin" under the login part, but when he runs his server it can not connect to my lilypad connection thingie.

    Heres his LilyPad-Connect config:

    address: (My IP Address)
    port: 5091
    username: ecin
    password: cookies

    If anyone would be able to figure out where i have done wrong here, that would be AMAZING!
    Thanks, iMurder
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2013
  2. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    Code (text):
    "domain": "(Friends IP Address)",
    "server": "ecin"
    From the config.

    And change
    Code (text):
    "domain": "*",
    "server": "hub"
    Code (text):
    "domain": "*",
    "server": "hub"
  3. iMurder

    iMurder New Member

    With that done, his console still spits out the error of not being able to connect to my IP address.
    Any ideas?
  4. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    May i see the error?
  5. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    Try this:
    Code (text):
      "proxy": {
        "bind": {
          "address": "",
          "port": 25565
        "outbound": {
          "address": ""
        "servers": [
            "domain": "*",
            "server": "hub"
        "motd": "Random message]",
        "playerMaximum": 1000,
        "authenticate": true,
        "throttle": 2500,
        "tabEnabled": true,
        "localeFull": "You seem to be already logged in",
        "localeOffline": "Random message",
        "localeLoggedIn": "Random message",
        "localeLostConn": "Random message",
        "localeShutdown": "Random message"
      "queryTcp": {
        "bind": {
          "address": "",
          "port": 5555
      "queryUdp": {
        "bind": {
          "address": "",
          "port": 25565
      "connect": {
        "bind": {
          "address": "",
          "port": 5091
        "logins": [
            "username": "hub",
            "password": "password"
            "username": "ecin",
            "password": "cookies"
  6. iMurder

    iMurder New Member

    His console spits this out..

    2013-08-17 22:22:02 [INFO] [Connect] Couldn't connect to remote host: "Connection refused: no further information: /(My IP:5091)", retrying
    2013-08-17 22:22:04 [INFO] [Connect] Couldn't connect to remote host: "Connection refused: no further information: /(My IP:5091)", retrying
    2013-08-17 22:22:06 [INFO] [Connect] Couldn't connect to remote host: "Connection refused: no further information: /(My IP:5091)", retrying
  7. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    You both port forward?

    - 25565
    - 25566
    - 5091
  8. iMurder

    iMurder New Member

    Got them all forwarded..
  9. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    This has your friend?
    Code (text):
    address: (My IP Address)
    port: 5091
    username: ecin
    password: cookies
    And you have?
    Code (text):
    port: 5091
    username: hub
    password: password
  10. iMurder

    iMurder New Member

    To link my servers to my LilyPad yes thats the Bukkit-Connect config i have, and yes thats what my friends config looks like.
  11. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    What address does he uses?

    or **.*.*.*

    * are the numbers
  12. iMurder

    iMurder New Member

    Wait what address does he use for what?
  13. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    Your external IP.
    Code (text):

    address: Your external IP here.
    port: 5091
    username: ecin
    password: cookies
    You can find your external IP here:
  14. iMurder

    iMurder New Member

    He uses my external IP in that area, but obviously i dont want to post that around in too may places.
  15. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    you don't have to :p

    He still gets the error? And do you also get it?
  16. iMurder

    iMurder New Member

    He gets the error on his servers console, and i get no mention of it at all on my side.
  17. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    I think it is the firewall of him.
  18. Coelho

    Coelho Software Engineer Staff Member Administrator Maintainer

    @Matt Moved to the /Support/ section.
  19. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    Okay thanks. Didn't noticed it wasn't there :rolleyes:
  20. iMurder

    iMurder New Member

    Hmm. Ill get him to look into that then. And thanks for moving the thread, i was kinda in a rush to type it up and didnt think to place it in the right spot xD

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