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Server crashes!

Discussion in 'Support' started by APPLEisPRO, Apr 6, 2014.

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    APPLEisPRO New Member

    Log says:

    Code (text):
    06.04 08:20:50 [Server] INFO Lost connection to the cloud, reconnecting
    06.04 08:20:22 [Server] INFO Connected to the cloud
    06.04 08:20:06 [Server] INFO Lost connection to the cloud, reconnecting
    06.04 08:19:52 [Server] INFO Connected to the cloud
    06.04 08:19:50 [Server] INFO Lost connection to the cloud, reconnecting
    And then it crashes/shutsdown.. Ive been told that problem is in LilyPad-Connection.

    Here's my plugin list:
    Code (text):
    Plugins (39): WorldBorder, GroupManager, LinksOnSigns, PlugMan, NoCheatPlus, WorldEdit, FrameProtect, TagAPI, NameTags, Buycraft, MaxBans, mcore, LilyPad-Connect, Vault, ItemDropRemove, WorldGuard, ObsidianDestroyer, Brightness, CropJoinLeaveMessage, BetterEnderChest, LilyEssentials, iConomy, LilyHub, HawkEye, LilyRestarter, RandomPlayer, JoinSpawn, LilyPad-Portal, PvPSoup, Essentials, ESCapsLock, ShowCaseStandalone, EssentialsProtect, EssentialsSpawn, EssentialsAntiBuild, EssentialsChat, Factions, ScoreboardStats, CombatLog
  2. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Lets keep this on one thread, there is no point in bouncing back and forth between two.

    Use the other due to the fact that we have already started a conversation over there.
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