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Solved Help me with Lilypad on Multicraft Panel

Discussion in 'Support' started by MultiNetwork, Dec 25, 2013.

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  1. MultiNetwork

    MultiNetwork Member

    Uuuuhm must i that copy and paste in the config?
  2. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    no, the spaces are not good. Just change the things I changed for you. ( Proxy IP, Port, UDP/TCP Ip and Port etc.. ) Just make sure the info matches with the one I sent.
  3. MultiNetwork

    MultiNetwork Member

  4. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Please report back how it went to.
  5. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    Is it working?
  6. MultiNetwork

    MultiNetwork Member

    24.12 20:05:57 [Multicraft] Server stopped
    24.12 20:05:57 [Multicraft] Looks like a crash, check the server console. Return value: 1
    24.12 20:05:55 [Multicraft] Error writing to server: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
    24.12 20:05:55 [Multicraft] Error writing to server: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
    24.12 20:05:55 [Multicraft] Stopping server!
    24.12 20:05:55 [Multicraft] Server shut down
    24.12 20:05:55 [Server] INFO ... 3 more
    24.12 20:05:55 [Server] INFO at com.google.gson.Gson.assertFullConsumption(Gson.java:768)
    24.12 20:05:55 [Server] INFO at com.google.gson.stream.JsonReader.peek(JsonReader.java:390)
    24.12 20:05:55 [Server] INFO at com.google.gson.stream.JsonReader.syntaxError(JsonReader.java:1310)
    24.12 20:05:55 [Server] INFO Caused by: com.google.gson.stream.MalformedJsonException: Expected EOF at line 52 column 2
    24.12 20:05:55 [Server] INFO at lilypad.server.standalone.allinone.AllInOne.main(AllInOne.java:33)
    24.12 20:05:55 [Server] INFO at lilypad.server.common.config.FileConfigGson.load(FileConfigGson.java:31)
    24.12 20:05:55 [Server] INFO at com.google.gson.Gson.fromJson(Gson.java:735)
    24.12 20:05:55 [Server] INFO at com.google.gson.Gson.assertFullConsumption(Gson.java:772)
    24.12 20:05:55 [Server] INFO Exception in thread "main" com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: com.google.gson.stream.MalformedJsonException: Expected EOF at line 52 column 2
    24.12 20:05:55 [Server] INFO [LilyPad] build 107 of AllInOne
    24.12 20:05:55 [Multicraft] Loaded config for "Default"
    24.12 20:05:55 [Multicraft] Starting server!
  7. MultiNetwork

    MultiNetwork Member

    "proxy": {
    "bind": {
    "address": "",
    "port": 31067
    "outbound": {
    "address": ""
    "servers": [
    "domain": "*",
    "server": "hub"
    "motd": "\u00263[\u0026bMulti\u00263-\u0026bnetwork\u00263]",
    "playerMaximum": 101,
    "authenticate": true,
    "throttle": 2500,
    "tabEnabled": true,
    "localeFull": "You seem to be already logged in",
    "localeOffline": "\u00263Het werkt! Maar de hub is uit!",
    "localeLoggedIn": "You have logged in from another location",
    "localeLostConn": "Lost connection... Please try to reconnect",
    "localeShutdown": "The server is being restarted. Please try to reconnect"
    "queryTcp": {
    "bind": {
    "address": "",
    "port": 5555
    "queryUdp": {
    "bind": {
    "address": "",
    "port": 31067
    "connect": {
    "bind": {
    "address": "",
    "port": 5091
    "logins": [
    "username": "hub",
    "password": "12354546"
    This is the config
  8. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    Also change

    Code (Java):
    "connect": {
    "bind": {
    "address": "",
    "port": 5091
    Code (Java):
    "connect": {
    "bind": {
    "address": "",
    "port": 5091
  9. MultiNetwork

    MultiNetwork Member

    what they mean by "domain": "*",
  10. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    Thats only for advanced users. Just leave it to "*"

    Is it working?
  11. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    If you want to use different sub domains to connect to different servers, but you do not need to worry about this. Do as @Matt suggested, and report back. Or, is it working?
  12. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Dang, @Matt , you beat my by a few seconds. :p
  13. MultiNetwork

    MultiNetwork Member

  14. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    Is it working or not? Otherwise I know one more solution
    Thats the power of awesomeness :p JK
  15. MultiNetwork

    MultiNetwork Member

    port: 26039
    username: hub
    password: 12354546
    what do i here
  16. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    Change it to:
    Code (java):
    port: 5091
    username: hub
    password: 12354546
  17. MultiNetwork

    MultiNetwork Member

    Yes but the connection with outher server si not working.
  18. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor


    Make sure to connect to
  19. MultiNetwork

    MultiNetwork Member

  20. MultiNetwork

    MultiNetwork Member

    Is not workin as i join the proxy than say Het wrkt! maar de hub is uit!
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